Chaos Dwarfs, not Legion of ... Something

Ok. 1000 painted. Finally finished last 5 bases for a second unit of infantry.


1000 done!


Looking excellent! Those bases are top notch and really tie the room together. Well done mate


Can’t get over how good these bases are


The Hellfane is an excellent model, we don’t see enough of them in these parts in my view.


I will add him soon.

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It is on its way!

Hellfane + a Cannon from Mantic Vault.

This is a list draft I was thinking about. Any suggestions?

We will be playing a delayed tournament with one round per 3 weeks.

++ Characters [450 pts] ++
Sorcerer-Prophet [450 pts]
(Darkforged weapon, Heavy armour, Level 4 Wizard, General, Bale Taurus, Mantle of Stone, Breath of Hashut, Daemonology)

++ Core Units [396 pts] ++
12 Infernal Guard [198 pts]
(Hailshot blunderbluss, Heavy armour, Deathmask (champion))

12 Infernal Guard [198 pts]
(Hailshot blunderbluss, Heavy armour, Deathmask (champion))

++ Special Units [650 pts] ++
3 K’daai Fireborn [130 pts]
(Hand weapons, Manburner (champion))

Iron Daemon [310 pts]
(Steam Cannonade, Hand weapons, Hellbound)

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower [45 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower [45 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher [120 pts]
(Demolition Rockets, Infernal Incendiaries, Hand weapons, Heavy armour)

Created with “Old World Builder”



Did any of You guys tried to use IG with glaives as detachment for a Blunderbussiers? I think I do like units of 10. Great in combat with S5 and with solid shooting.

Also… Magma cannon. It is a S5 weapon, so way better that DRL in terms of impact vs tougher targets…

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Iron Daemon arrived. Time to paint that bad boy.


Work in progress. Iron Daemon and some glaives conversions.


Morę glaives. First line need some heads.


1500 variant. With new hobgoblin wolfriders. What do you think? Ruby Ring os worth taking 2 blunderbussiers less?

++ Characters [524 pts] ++
Sorcerer-Prophet [435 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Level 4 Wizard, General, Bale Taurus, Talisman of Protection, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Daemonology)

Hobgoblin Khan [89 pts]
(Hand weapon, Throwing weapons, Great weapon, Giant Wolf, Ruby Ring of Ruin)

++ Core Units [540 pts] ++
21 Infernal Guard [390 pts]
(Hailshot blunderbluss, Heavy armour, Shield, Drilled (0-1 per 1000 points), Deathmask (champion), Standard bearer)

10 Infernal Guard [150 pts]
(Fireglaives, Heavy armour)

++ Special Units [365 pts] ++
Iron Daemon [275 pts]
(Steam Cannonade, Hand weapons)

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower [45 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower [45 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

++ Rare Units [70 pts] ++
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders [70 pts]
(Hand weapons, Cavalry spears, Light armour, Shields, Shortbow, Reserve Move (0-1 per 1000 points))

Created with “Old World Builder”


I feel like the sorcerer needs a Darkforged weapon to give him some needed CC oomph (or a welcome casting buff).

21 blunderers is a hefty investment, you already have both cannonade and dual bolters.

The wolves in this list I feel are there to line up a good charge for the Iron Daemon. It needs a bit of help, whereas the Bale Taurus should be fine, with its fly and everything. So probably better take feigned flight instead of reserve move, to lean into their redirector role. They won’t do much damage with their 5 bow shots anyway.

Maybe stick the Khan with a spear instead of GW, it’s way cheaper. I don’t think he’ll be much better off with the GW, if at all. He’s squishy.


Love the eyes!


Thanks for the suggestions.

Wolf riders’ feignd flight cost the same as bows and movement so a easy swap.

Khan - spear is fine. True. What about Ruby Ring?

I haven’t ever taken it, but the Ruby ring appears to always make its points back - especially if you have it on a mobile character that can skirt around the enemy’s dispel range - such as, idk, a throwaway hero on a m9(!) wolf :grin::wolf:


Same here :sweat_smile: I rarely/never take it myself, but my buddy nearly always does and it’s always a pain in my ass :man_shrugging:

Magic Missiles are quite good in TOW and, with the way dispelling works, there’s good chance that your opponent either cannot dispel it at all or you draw the fated dispel etc.


Almost done.


Ok. Had my first gamę today. What a gamę… Had some terrible Rolls.

For example. Did 0 wounds to driads with 35 shots from blunderbussiers and passed 2/10 3+ saves on iron Daemon from poisoned bows.

Lost K’daii to a single fireball too.

So. Time to change few things.

Drilled. Better on 20 blunderbussiers or 10 glaves? And why? I try to get extra points for Hellbound on Iron Daemon.