Claw Leader's 2025 Trash Pit (BatG 2025)

Good day to you all. In preparation for failing all expectations, I was fortunate enough to get a friend into the hobby so if nothing else I should be able to get some additional painting done that I otherwise would not.

I will try and sort out all the points later at a time where it is convenient when a 2 year old isn’t trying to steal my attention constantly.

Priority one: Finish painting my 1000 points ogre kingdoms army.

Priority one-point-oh: Start painting my new chaos dwarf minis that are to be picked up shortly and destroy any sense of organization and planning to attack the grey pile.

I put about an hour and half into the two weapons teams and should be able to finish them up tonight or tomorrow, to start the year off right.


These will be done tomorrow, as with tomorrow I should be getting my chaos dwarf miniatures which will get primed if everything goes according to plan


Well… Something arrived.

+49 to the pile of unwashed masses who need to be touched up. Courtesy of the Darklands Printing via Khamdrim who was exceptionally helpful in getting this together.


Some progress, primed with Liquitex professional grade artist black gesso.

Really like this stuff as you can be sloppy in application and it’ll shrink to the model while adding “tooth” for good paint adhesion.

Looking forward to painting these dudes and I think I’ll start with the wolf riders.