Converted Empire Stank into an Iron Deamon

Woo-hoo! Finally got some time to sit down and muck around with this idea that’s been rattling around for a while.

I’m an unabashed big hat lover and really prefer the 4th/5th edition aesthetic, so the new iron demon and larger, chaosy chaos dwarf war machines aren’t my vibe.

Sooooo… since the iron demon is a steam driven tank, I decided to mod the plastic empire stank. I ground off all the empirey adornments, added a few 3D printed shields, and skulls for appropriate old-school chaos dwarf flair, and then added a banner pole. The driver is a CD blood bowl mini with a chopped up empire handgun.

Gotta green stuff some gaps, base, and paint but happy with this so far!


I like it! I’m also considering how to make a 4th/5th aesthetically compatible iron daemon. Seriously thinking to convert a daemonic Thomas the tank engine :laughing: :steam_locomotive::fire:

Would it need something akin to an organ gun up front to represent the cannonade, or are we assuming it’s a full auto cannon? :sweat_smile:

Will it feature a nice banner on that pole? :crossed_fingers:


Yep! I’ll put a nice banner on it. I’ve got a lot of cool print outs from 4th/5th ed. I like to paint over those to sharpen the colors and give it some texture. More to come.


This has inspired me to make a new Iron Daemon and Skullcracker out of my Ogor Ironblasters (which used to be my Skullcrackers back when Legion of Azgorh existed). Not sure how many points will be the average for The Old World, but seems like war-machines should be there to some extent in every game.