Hey guys,
I recently purchased a Lammasu miniature from the Titan Forge line. I am wanting to add a throne/seat on its back and was wondering if anyone had any ideas?
Any pictures or links would be greatly appreciated! Here is the model for reference. BTW, they also have one with a CD tall hat. I bought that one as well.

Great choice, I love this miniature.
I cannot help you but I recomend you check out the discord and have a chat in pne of the 3d printing rooms 
Thanks for the advice. I’m not sure what pne is, could you explain?
One of the printing rooms.
The Fabelzel Lamassu has a throne, but I’m not sure it matches the aesthetic.
Way to pwn up to your typos. This is goof.
Yeah, not sure its really a fit but were on the right track. I’ve been looking online for something but not the easiest to find within reasonable price.