Drexxl's Evil Dwarves

Well, there is no motivator like a deadline. And since today was booked as a match day, they just had to be painted.

It was a 1250 point game of TOW and I managed to win it!



Quick question, does anyone know if there is a place to scan the black orc banner form the back of the old White Dwarf? I am trying to keep my banners authentic!

This one!


Like father, like son!


Is it really Warhammer if the General isnt riding a cool monster?


Dude, the army looks fantastic! Love that Ogre Loader!

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El Classico! Great to see :metal:t2:

Thank you very much!

And yeah, that loader is a perfect fit. I’m very happy that a guy here on the forums just knew about it.

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Som sig bör!
(Swedish for As it should)

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Also, I read somewhere that there had been conversions to the fabelzel sculpts so they have fireglaives. Is this true?

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I’d be well interested in this for a bit of variety

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I think it’s on the way to the community folder… just don’t know when it will land. :upside_down_face: