EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

The roll continues apace!

Or apiece, whatever.

I’ve had a good run of weather, so done some priming:

There’s a few Chaos Dwarf things in there, for those inclined to look closely.

And I got inspired to update and expand my old Ogryn conversions I originally did in about 2004. I had thought to leave them in their original glory but I realised I had four spare bodies from my attempt at collecting Ogor Mawtribes last year, and I don’t think I’m physically capable of painting the last four to look like the first six.

I thought I had a full “before” picture of them, but alas it doesn’t appear to be the case. Here, instead, is the “I’ve assembled the new Ogryns and removed some terrible modelling and I haven’t put the greenstuff on yet” picture:

The grey-headed models are where I’ve popped off the old field caps. They were an excellent concept but they were LUMPY.

And heeeere is the fully-modelled unit of 10:

Which is all a long way of saying I (re-)painted an Ogryn:

So, one off the pile.

BATG Score: -18 :white_check_mark: