EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

Two more Ogryns painted!

Two off the pile.


BATG Score: -20 :white_check_mark:


Three more Ogryn finished!

The four new ones are still WIP.

BATG Score: -23 :white_check_mark:


What a random pile! I do love it when the whims of motivation drift around and you just roll with it. You’ve painted quite the assortment of random things amidst the guard to get you the quantity.

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The big lads are ready for battle:

I finished the remaining Ogryns and got the light booth out to take a nice group photo.

Here’s the “from scratch” Ogryns:

And a glamour shot of the original six:

I did some experimenting with skin colours for this batch, with mixed success (Cygor Brown isn’t a great skin tone on its own).

I got a bit ahead of myself, since my actual inspiration here was that I wanted to make armoured Bullgryns for Horus Heresy. Ultimately though, I think the lesson here is that I really enjoy anything involving ogres, particularly the old Ogre Kingdoms kits!

Four off the pile, and that takes me (for now) to Bronze Tier! Wooooooh!

Let’s see how long that lasts.

BATG Score: -27 :white_check_mark:


Uh… slow day at work today so I painted The Wurmspat:

I used the same techniques as the Lord of Plagues, almost entirely contrast. Big shoutout to P3 Necrotite Green which is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the goo.

I don’t even play Underworlds, I just think the models are neat!

Also some more guardsmen arrived:


3 off the pile, 10 new models on the pile.

BATG Score: -20 :white_check_mark:


Thanks Pyro! I have Zarbag’s Gitz and the Grymwatch, too. They’re just such awesome, characterful models and they look fun to paint and put together.

Today’s update is more Ogryns:

A moderate addition to the pile, and hopefully I’m not getting too far ahead of myself with this purchase.

3 Bullgryns and ten more guardsmen. After these, I need a final 10 more guardsmen to get to the 50 I need for my Heresy Militia 1000 points.

I had intended to convert the Bullgryns but the models look so great in person that I think I’ll do at least one unit without any conversion work.

13 more models on the pile. Can I stay below 0? What will be my 200th model painted for the year?

Find out next time… or maybe the time after that, I dunno.

BATG score: -7 :white_check_mark:


A little more progress today with models 197, 198 and 199 for the year (unless I’ve miscounted which, let’s face it, is very possible).

Three assorted Imperial Guardsmen:

A sergeant/lieutenant for my command squad (with the yellow stripe helmets), a plasma gunner for the same and a trooper with a grenade launcher.

Astute observers will notice that I’ve used metals on the officer, in a departure from the rest of the soldiers in this force. I really wanted to replicate the Rogue Trader look, where command squads and officers have gold cuirasses, so I used a Lieutenant head on a spare sergeant body and painted him pretty.

Also, I think this might be the first time in over 25 years that I’ve bothered giving a power weapon a blue hue!

Three off the pile. Next is number 200! What will I paint? I haven’t decided yet, but it’ll be something neat before I launch into more guardsmen.

BATG Score: -10 :white_check_mark:

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I decided to mark the occasion by painting the Chaos Dwarf Lord I built aaaages ago.

I’d already decided that I wanted to do the massive axe with a lava/forge-hot look but I’ve been taking him out and putting him away for months.

I’ll share some WIP pictures and thoughts about painting in my Chaos Dwarf blog shortly, and link here.

I think the 200th model deserved to be something special - although if I keep waiting for big milestones to paint my Chaos Dwarfs it’ll take me a decade or two!

Only one off the pile, but a great weight off the shoulders.

BATG Score: -11 :white_check_mark:


So good! I think I remember this kitbash. The lava axe is expertly done. Really makes the paint job pop. Congrats on 200!

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Thanks Reaver! I’m really happy with it. Maybe it’ll inspire me to paint more Chorfs before the year is done.

Today I’ve painted some Vanquisher turrets for my Leman Russ motor pool, so I can alternate my loadouts:

They’re just turrets so they don’t count towards the pile, but I’m sharing everything so they’re getting shown off.


Okay, this should be my last purchase for the year (saving Christmas presents, of course…)

Ten more Guardsmen. Enough to round out my first two Heresy Militia squads.

BATG score: -1 :white_check_mark:


I was struck by a random burst of inspiration this afternoon and painted the barricades from my Kill Team starter:

Nothing complicated, just a grey undercoat, Leadbelcher, diluted Garaghak’s Sewer, and a speckling of Runefang Steel. Mournfang Brown around the bottom for rust.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work and six off the pile while I wait for a good stretch to paint a heap more guardsmen.

BATG Score: -7 :white_check_mark:


The uncontrollable urges continue to distract me from painting Rogue Trader Guardsmen (I want to paint 30 by end of year). This time I was struck by the urge to use my airbrush to paint a vehicle:

That failed dismally because I couldn’t figure out the right ratio of thinner to paint, leaving the model… wet. Very wet.

Once it dried (overnight) I brought it to the painting desk and did it with drybrushes.

Although, I tried out a few new techniques while I was at it: I used marking tape to do the big stripe, and I tried sponge weathering. Sponge weathering is awesome! I see why people recommend it.

Technically, this is a rhino, although I originally built it to serve as an Aurox proxy for Solar Auxilia - although I’m not really focussing on SA at the moment? I’m not sure what’s going on with that though.

Anyway, riding that wave, I built another 2 rhinos and will (maybe) paint them soon. Maybe.

One off the pile.

BATG Score: -8 :white_check_mark:


Today I took another stab at the airbrush and I think I’ve figured it out!

At least, I figured out contrast through the brush… I figured out that going full blast is super wasteful with a paint that’s $.50 per mL. It does give an excellent translucent effect, though.

I ended up undercoating 34 models and basecoating 23. It took about three hours and I think my sinuses are full of paint, because for the first little while I didn’t wear a mask. Dumb.

Here’s the current state of my painting desk:

Today’s list is 2 more Rhinos (Auroxes), 21 Heresy infantry that can be militia or Solar Auxilia, 2 commander-ish models, and 9 Solar Auxilia companions (badass elites who can all take plasma guns).

Of that, I basecoated the Rhinos and the infantry with the airbrush, trying out undershot shading with Garaghak’s Sewer and then a top-down layer of Ionrach Skin.

The Garaghak’s worked well, but I think the Ionrach is just too inconsistent to go through the airbrush. It has poor coverage at high dilution, and at lower dilution it clogged the brush to the point where I had to dismantle the whole thing and give it a full clean - since it’s my nicer Iwata brush, I didn’t want it to get messed up like my cheap one!

This is all a long way of saying that today I painted 2 models:

Ignoring the messing about with the airbrush, these are really quick to paint. If I were to hand brush the Garaghak’s and drybrush the Ionrach, the only thing that takes any time at all is filling in the black with Black Templar contrast paint. The rest is just contrast for the flesh and gloves, a red stripe on the head, a little sponge weathering with Rhinox Hide and my new favourite metal paint from Vallejo:

I’m very happy with this colour scheme. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I’d stay up working on this pile.

2 models down, more to come. I’m going to shoot for -50 and Silver by the end of the year!

BATG Score: -10 :white_check_mark:


I painted three more of these dudes:

I keep getting to the sponge weathering phase and gasping at how nice they look, and then the Strong Tone hits and chef’s kiss

3 off the pile. Halfway to Bronze!

BATG Score: -13 :white_check_mark:


And I’ve finished the first squad of these guys!

I love them. The airbrushing was a special hell, and the black isn’t super fun, but that’s almost the entirety of the paint job. They’re quick and they look gorgeous when they’re done.

I don’t know if I’ll do more than the two squads, though, since I still have lots of Imperial Guard infantry to get done. Regardless, no more buying this year I’ve got to work with what I’ve got.

The next squad is on the painting table.

5 off the pile.

BATG Score: -18 :white_check_mark:


I painted up two more militia rhinos today!

A lot of different dilutions of Garaghak’s Sewer or Rhinox Hide doing most of the work here, since I went a bit overboard with the airbrush and got quite a flat finish with the Ionrach Skin.

I’ve got to say, I really didn’t think I’d enjoy weathering vehicles as much as I have done on this little project. I’m not sure I’ll keep doing it on future vehicles, or go back and redo my older ones, it it’s certainly a technique I’ll keep in my back pocket for when it’s appropriate!

Two off the pile - here’s hoping I can keep the momentum going for the rest of the year!

BATG Score: -20 :white_check_mark:


I only had a few hours to paint yesterday evening, so I painted some Bullgryns / Ogrns in Carapace Armour for 40K/Horus Heresy.

Of course, it took more time than I thought and I stayed up far too late to finish them.

I still love painting Ogres, but this kit is a little wonky. The arm holes are kind of stupid, so I had to paint in the black, then paint in the skin, then tidy the black, then wash and highlight the skin, then tidy the black again… you get the idea.

Still, the kit looks amazing and I had fun, even though I didn’t need to try anything new to get them done.

Three off the pile. I am coming for you, Bronze tier!

BATG Score: -23 :white_check_mark:


Over the weekend, I painted 1 more of my fun pale guardsmen, which I didn’t feel was worth updating for since it’s only one model.

But today, I painted another.

And you know what that means, fellow Warriors?

That means I’ve reached Bronze tier!

:partying_face: :tada: :partying_face: :tada: :partying_face:

Two off the pile, plus I also sold some 40k models today (which don’t count for BATG but they do for Shame Golf):

1 Maulerfiend conversion with tentacles

1 Helbrute conversion with tentacles

1 regular Helbrute

1 Venomcrawler

I really liked all the models, but I’m just not interested in painting or playing 40k Chaos anymore.

2 off the pile, and 4 models sold. Now let’s see if I can get another 25 done and reach silver tier!

BATG Score: -25 :white_check_mark:


Hopefully not the last update this year, but I’ve gotten 2 more dudes painted:

They are medics. You can tell by how excited they are to be here.

I’ve got about a dozen more of these dudes to a point where they’re easy to churn out fairly quickly - and I have a few quiet work days before the year ends and my painting station is right there

Also I sold 10 Crypt Ghouls:

They don’t officially count since I bought them last year, but they count for Shame Golf.

BATG Score: -27 :white_check_mark: