EFD's "Night on Grey Mountain" [BATG2023]

Over the weekend, I painted 1 more of my fun pale guardsmen, which I didn’t feel was worth updating for since it’s only one model.

But today, I painted another.

And you know what that means, fellow Warriors?

That means I’ve reached Bronze tier!

:partying_face: :tada: :partying_face: :tada: :partying_face:

Two off the pile, plus I also sold some 40k models today (which don’t count for BATG but they do for Shame Golf):

1 Maulerfiend conversion with tentacles

1 Helbrute conversion with tentacles

1 regular Helbrute

1 Venomcrawler

I really liked all the models, but I’m just not interested in painting or playing 40k Chaos anymore.

2 off the pile, and 4 models sold. Now let’s see if I can get another 25 done and reach silver tier!

BATG Score: -25 :white_check_mark: