EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

Completed Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig!

I’m happy to see it done when it’s been undercoated pure white for ages and just needed a zenithal prime and some contrast paint.

No lightbox today, I’ve tidied up the bench where I usually take photos. He’ll be part of a Gobbo family photo at some point.

I also put together the Mind Sphiranx that donated its spare head to Checlis, and did some work on the Cawdor “Greatswords” that only moved the unassembled → assembled needle a little bit:

But I’m very glad to see that “unassembled” number drop below 500!

BATG score: +7 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: +7 :negative_squared_cross_mark: