EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]


I will be tracking my collection in three ways:

  • The Offical BATG score
  • “Shame Golf”
  • Using the “Figure Case” app by Warganizer

Any new models will be added when they arrive in my possession - so the stuff that’s in transit as of New Year’s Day will count as 2022 purchases when they arrive.

Official BATG score

Per the official Battle Against the Grey thread, one model added to collection is +1, one model painted is -1. Low scores are good.

  • :arrow_up: Models added: 386
  • :arrow_down: Models painted: 243

:arrow_right: Total BATG score: 143

Battle Against the Grey spreadsheet

Unofficial Shame Golf score

This “game” borrowed from the art world by Dana Howl, only counts models you’ve actually bought (gifts don’t count) features bonuses for larger groups of models and penalties for impulse-buying new releases and you get points for giving away or selling stuff, too. I like this score because it incentivises getting rid of stuff that I don’t actually want anymore. Again, low scores are good.

  • :arrow_up: Models added: 386
  • :arrow_up: New release penalties: 20
  • :arrow_down: Models painted: 243
  • :arrow_down: Gifts: 109 (Gifts don’t count in Shame Golf!)
  • :arrow_down: Models sold or given away: 13
  • :arrow_down: Unit & boxset completion bonuses: 12

:arrow_right: Total Shame Golf score: 29

Figure Case

I’ve been using the “Figure Case” app by Warganizer since late 2020. It’s an iPhone-only (sorry, Android users!) app that has a customisable workflow for tracking models’ status in detail, and allows you to track “effort” to accommodate larger or more-complex models.

:warning: I’ll be using the “effort” score rather than the pure model count, because big models and fiddly conversions take longer.

Starting position, 1 January 2022:

  • :red_square: Unassembled: 518
  • :orange_square: Assembled: 901
  • :yellow_square: In Progress: 356
  • :green_square: Finished: 556

Current position, 30 November 2022: