EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

So my lovely partner also got me a birthday present, because she’s awesome:

And there’s some other stuff on the way, too.

But oh no! My count! Whatever shall I do?!

Well fortunately, gifts don’t count for Shame Golf, so I’m covered there x but for BATG? He counts.

Well, I found myself listening to the latest Brazen Broadcast and was struck by the conversation about changing up one’s style to try and make a big dent in my collection this year…

Then I remembered I used to play Imperial Guard.

@Oxymandiasguide to quick painting from a little while got me thinking, and while I was originally considering using the techniques for a new project, I remembered that I have SOMETHING LIKE A HUNDRED unpainted Cadians just sitting around, and a big chunk of them in paint-ready state.

So I pulled out the dry brush and the contrast paints and I’m getting to work. None finished yet, because for some reason I didn’t base these guys before undercoating them (?), but they won’t take long at all. It’s something like 20 minutes per model, not counting drying times.

And they look so much better than my old hour-a-model paint job by far!

Kraggers is 10 effort for Figure Case:

BATG score: -12 :white_check_mark:
Shame Golf score: -22 :white_check_mark: