EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

Okay. Okay okay. Okay.

I painted some vehicles. It kinda sucked. I need a method that both isn’t “do stuff then dump wash all over the top” but also meshes well with all my guard which DO use that painting method.

(These barely fit in my lightbox!)

This results in a lot of fiddly crap, but on the other hand: I’ve painted three Chimeras. That’s not only three more than I had painted before, but more than doubled my painted tank count for my Imperial Guard (ouch!).

Also I painted up the Wight King model to accompany my odd little Mordheim/skirmish warband. Still not actually sure what they’re for, but I have them. I like the model, so who cares what it’s for!

For the Figure Case tracking, each of the Chimeras is 5 effort, so this is 16 effort painted and 4 figures for BATG/Shame Golf:

BATG score: 51 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -75 :white_check_mark: