EvilFuzzyDoom’s Devoted of Hashut

I have painted a model!

I decided I needed a break from my Hobgrots after moving house and set my sights on my Bull Centaur, which was the first model I really thought about converting up for Chaos Dwarfs, and is really the whole reason I’m here.

It’s converted from an Ogor Mawtribes Mournfang rider, with a Bullgor axe head and Daemon Prince shoulder pad and loincloth.

I hemmed and hawed for a LONG time about what colour to paint the Bull part, eventually just messing around with mixing some Baneblade Brown into Rhinox Hide, drybrushing Baneblade Brown over the top, and then hitting it with Gore-Grunta Fur contrast paint. The rest is all painted the same as my other Chaos Dwarfs.

It’s a bit imprecise but I think I’ll do a mix of hide colours on the full unit of Bull Centaurs, so I don’t need to have a fixed recipe.

I’ll totally build the rest soon…

Once I get the strength to spend the several hours of dremel work that will require :face_with_spiral_eyes: