Hope no real bad damage has been done. Get wel soon!
Youchie. :’(
Been there many times. Some minor some not so minor. The scars on your hands tell a story, but never a fun experience. Hope it heals quickly.
Nearly three weeks later and I think my thumb is healed enough to try things. The (massive) wound is fully closed but there’s a bit of a canyon in my thumb still. It’s a bit tender but no long term harm done.
I was going to do some painting this afternoon but I found that my sprue box for this project is too full to close. So, I grabbed something fun off the pile and did some assembly.
I built a hero! No green stuff yet, and the head isn’t glued in place, but I wanted to see if this would work.
The head is from a Chaos Warrior chariot rider, and he axe is from the Daemon Prince kit (idea stolen from Hive Fleet Charybdis: Hive Fleet Charybdis: The Chosen Axes... of Hashut!)
I’d seen Laketide Miniatures’ latest model on Discord using the Rockgut Troggoth statuary as basing material, but forgotten about it. Then, when I opened the app to share this picture saw who’d inspired me. Amazing.
That’s all for now. Remember to cut away from yourselves!
Wow, great conversions and striking paintjobs! Really lovely style.
Looks awesome. Glad the thumb’s healing.
Great conversion. Will you give him a little beard? What kit is the body from?
The Voyeurs of Hashut demand photographic proof of injuries.
And make sure some of the spilt blood gets included in the mini
Thank you! I’ve only painted the one model so far, but I’m glad you like it!
Thanks! Me too!
He’ll be getting a beard to fill that gap, yeah. The body is the current Dispossessed Warden King (formerly Belegar Ironhammer of WHFB) with a Daemon Prince axe and a Chaos Warrior Chariot head.
Settle down, Kharn! The wound was absolutely pissing blood, so I was more concerned with whether or not I’d have to go to hospital or not, than with documenting it for posterity. I went through three gauze bandages before it stopped bleeding. Plus, I wouldn’t have gotten a proper photo anyway, on account of the blood.
That said, here’s what it looks like after 20 days:
It’s about 2cm long and went entirely through the epidermis all the way along its length. It’s still quite tender.
Auch… that could be tender for a while.
I did a similar slice from the fingerprint part of my thumb towards the nail a while back. It was 1 cm long but almost equally as deep… didn’t hit the nail fortunately…
Didn’t need stitches or anything but for months, every time i bumped my thumb it hurt a lot.
Nice scar. The wife knows if I yell and curse, she asks WTF Have I done now. If I swear quietly and ask for help…then she gets worried
Glad to see it is healing. That looks like a brutal gash. We’ve all been there. A few years back ,sliced a sideways furrow that cut a flap of my fingertip pad at at a shallow angle about 5mm in and 2mm deep. Had to super glue the flap down so it would stop bleeding enough to bandage it. Took about 3 months to heal and another 6 before the bump in my fingertip started to feel more normal. Still have a bit less feeling in that fingertip. Amazing what kind of damage one can do with the slip of a modeling knife.
The hero looks great. The base, huge axe and those horns make it a dynamic piece. Well done!
Haha Aussie AF!!
“What’s wrong love?”
“ummm I am ok… ish”
“Oh fuck, I will warm the car up, we ARE going to the hospital!”
“Naahh, she’ll be right”
“Jeezzus christ insert name in full You ARE GOING to the hospital, that’s going to need stitches!!”
My father once used a table saw to cut off part of his thumb and he needed some serious convincing to go to the hospital…
He came in and asked my mom to help him put on a band aid… it was only a few mm but it was bleeding so much.
Still didn’t want to go
Ahh the good old days when boys were men and men were something else haha
Aaaand we’re back! The thumb is healed and I’m feeling the modelling urge.
Today I started painting some of my Warriors (shield dwarfs) and trying to match the colour scheme of my test model, following the incomplete details in my earlier post here.
A bit of a challenge, but I think I’ve managed to simplify it a little and still have them look decent:
I still have to finish the copper/gold, the green and the bases. I think this is about six hours’ work. Hopefully I can speed things up further on the next batch, though.
(I’ll take some better photos in the light box once they’re done!)
These look great!
As promised, some photos of the finished models (including the original test model):
I’m very very happy with this paint scheme, and I’ve found a few ways to simplify it for line troops (sorry Nihilakh Oxide, you’ll have to wait for character models!) and save a little time. It still needs refinement before going full batch paint, but I’m confident that I could churn out a few units in this scheme and not hate myself by the time I’d finished.
Eventually, if I feel brave I’ll freehand the Hashut rune on the shields, but I’ll have to be feeling very brave - and likely wait until the whole unit is done.
I have at least fifteen of this unit left to go, maybe twenty-five. Ten already built (thanks to the original seller), five at the modelling bench (cut away from yourself, EFD), and I think ten more spare BFSP Warriors in the bits box, if I’m not sick of building them by then.
Hopefully not, I’m really loving this colour scheme and blogging about my progress.
Now to think some more about Lammasu…
Love the scheme
Ah the Lammasu, looking forward to seeing your take on it
Classic BFSP conversions, very nice colour scheme - I like them! I admire your persistence, I gave up converting them after the fifth model. Given the price of the standard (non-BFSP) 7th ed dwarf warriors these days, I’ve been wondering recently if one could also use sixth edition dwarf warriors effectively as base models. For some reason, I have never seen anyone using them for CDs.
Concerning the free-hand runes: It might be an old hat for you but switching to (good) Kolinsky sable hair brushes for detail work was one of the best hobby decisions I made. I’m by no means a good painter but it helps a lot if the brush keeps a fine tip. Everything is a lot less scary now.