Filmdeg's blog [Table of contents in first post]

Took some better (ish) pics of the finished models. So these are the 5 warriors I’ve finished recently, who make up the last rank.

And then here is the finished regiment! Overall I’m really pleased with it. I might redo some of the models in the front row, as they were painted earliest (maybe about 2 years ago now?) and I can see a difference in quality, but will let it slide for now.

Its nice to finally have a complete regiment of Chaos Dwarf Warriors. In my minimum amount of game time I’ve had, I’ve only ever been able to field 10 CD warriors, and whilst they really held their own in combat against tougher units, I was just being beaten on rank bonus, so these should definitely help turn the tide in future games!


Great painted models, very old school-like. :skull1: I especially like the snow bases, something different and well done! :smile:


Haven’t had much painting time this last week, I’ve had a few job interviews (including one with Games Workshop Black Library!) this last week so my time had been spent prepping for those.

I did manage to finish two more warriors at the start of last week which I hadn’t posted here yet, so here they are!

I’ve got one more job interview later this afternoon and then I’m going to try enjoy the next few days switching off and getting back on with some painting!


Oh good luck with that interview for Black Library :crossed_fingers:t2::+1:t2::vulcan_salute:t2:
Another cool warrior man, this army is going to look so good altogether


If your interview goes as good as your painting you will be working for Black Library very soon! Good luck mate and when you get the job please tell some bastard to write a Chaos Dwarf Novel!!

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Better yet, see that one of us gets to write a Chaos Dwarf novel :cd2010:


I like your thinking! :wink:

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Been a hectic few weeks…

So I got the job at Black Library! I started last Monday and loving it so far. I’m responsible for scheduling release dates for all the books/audiobooks/ebooks that BL publish, and every task that makes up those releases (art, design, typesetting, proofreading etc).

With that, I now live in Nottingham finally! I’m still setting the house up and adjusting to the new lifestyle, but this evening I managed to get some painting in for the first time since I left Wales.

Making a start on my Hobgoblin Archer Wolf Riders!


Congrats @Filmdeg !!!


Congratulations @Filmdeg I am sure there are many envious Dawi Zharr out there wishing for your job :smiley:
Great to see a member of CDO get in the door of GW, perhaps you would make a good interview for Brazen Bulletin? “Life on the inside of GW’s Black Library” What do you think @Oxymandias ?


Great. Free books. I’ll pay for the postage. :smiley:


Assuming your contract allows @Filmdeg we would love to do this


Congratulations! :cd1991gif:

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Thanks everyone!

I do get a free subscription to WD magazine, as well as 50% off Citadel and 25% off forgeworld :anvilskull:

Whilst I can’t really discuss any future releases or timelines, I’m more than happy to have a chat on what its like working there and so forth :slight_smile: wanna drop me a pm?

I’ll try post here a bit more regularly now I’m more settled. I’ve made a bit of progress on my hobby space:

I left my main chair in Wales when I moved up here, so it’ll be a few weeks till I can get that, so have to make do with this stool for now aha. I also left two maps of the old world there as well, which I’d like to hang on the wall behind my desk. Got two Morrowind maps I need to hang as well…

I’ve also made a start on my next regiment: Hobgoblin Archer Wolf Riders. I finished this first model a few days ago. The pics were a bit rushed as I hadn’t let the base dry or varnished it at the time, and the paintjob itself is a little muddy in places but it’ll do.

Nearly finished this second model too, just have the base to finish off.


Belated congrats on the job. Any chance we can lobby you to badger Black Library into hiring Admiral to write some Chaos Dwarf books?


Nice one @Filmdeg . I’ll take you up on that offer. This issue is looking quite packed (assuming we get everything we want to get) but maybe issue after? That would have given you plenty of months to work there too :slight_smile:


Ofcourse! Drop me a message whenever and we’ll go from there :slight_smile:


Belated congrats on the job!

I am really enjoying your color scheme, your models are really looking great ranked up. The paint job hits the right detail pints, and the boldness of the colors on the models really draw the eye. Your army is really going to stand out on the table top. Keep em coming!

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Many thanks dude! Yea I just wanted to try do something similar to the 4th edition colours without making it too herohammer looking.

I added a few more frames to my hobby area; two maps from The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind which is my favourite game, a print by Ian Miller from the Kickstarter, and a Chaos Dwarf logo that my fiancé cross-stitched for me.

The job is keeping me busy, it’s been a learning curve but I’m definitely enjoying it. I’ve been chipping away at my wolf riders and finished the 5th one today, so half the regiment is now finished.

Individually they look a bit muddy, but hopefully they’ll pop together once they’re all done.


Now there’s a hobby area to make a man envious! Congratulations, must be a joy working here.

Oh the happy childhood memories :blush:

I like the hobgoblins a lot, the unit will look great! Did you use GW’s snow on the bases?
