This is my project thread to finish my childhood Chaos Dwarf dream army! Even when I was a child, Chaos Dwarfs were hard to come by! Here is my childhood collection:
The Bull Centaur heads you could still get off of mail order GW 16 years ago. So kid me had the smart idea to buy Empire Knights and stick the heads on the horse bodies. I still think its a pretty badass conversion:
So whats the plan? I need 4 more blunderbuss to have the complete unit of 20, ideally the ones holding the blunderbuss up as they are soo hard to rank up. The goblins with spears pictured I must’ve built from a plastic set i don’t have anymore: they are gonna be repurposed as hobgoblin boltthrower crew (I happen to already own 6 bolt throwers for my dwarf army, since 2 count as one special choice… the spears look like they are loading the bolts!), so ideally I would need to get two more that look like that… somehow.
I will update this thread as I obtain more models! My plan is to actually finish, paint, and field this 2000pts of 6th ed chaos dwarfs, and make childhood me proud! I’m very lucky childhood me had already obtained so much of the stuff, so hopefully not too hard to finish!!
Big. Hats. Let me know what you think, especially on the controversial bull centaur conversions haha!
I am in a similar boat as you, did a bunch of awful gs sculpting making a chaos dwarf army when 7th edition rolled out BfSP. Just got back into finishing it over 10 years later.
10 more warriors obtained, and I also got some ogres to finish my ogre kingdoms 2000 points - i included them in the picture cause technically i could include them as a dogs of war choice, so hey they could serve the chaos dwarfs occasionally if i wanna mix it up!
Still need 4 blunderbuss, an earthshaker canon, and 5 more warriors, and maybe a couple of heroes, to complete my decent 2000pt force. Lets keep em coming!
Earthshaker arrived!! yes! 10 more warriors with the top of an original box, plus 2 metal ones to use as heroes. I have 4 blunderbuss on order, and I think when they arrive I can do pictures of the whole army together!!
I used spare Dwarf boltthrowers with goblin spearmen as crew (I actually have 6 of those boltthrower models, so can do the whole 2 for 1 special choice 6th edition and field 6!). I also bought 2 boxes of 24 gnoblars for my ogre kingdoms, and they can double up as a unit of hobgoblins if i need them.
Now, I might go quiet for a while: i’m planning on saving all the gluing and painting etc for when i get burnt out on my normal work/activities and need a week of doing something completely different. Then I plan to blitz these, my 2 unpainted bloodbowl teams, and my ogre kingdoms army thats in bits!