Hashut - Pre Chaos Gate?

Heyo! First time posting in the forum in a decade (been on the discord recently)

Random hashut flavor idea:
I remember reading the chaos fluff on “where do lessor gods come from?”

And while some are greater daemons or daemon princes woth delusions, and some are cult leaders, etc…

They basically said. “Most lesser chaos gods were believed in first, and took shape second.”

Which means, while Hashut may have formed as a culmination of a group emotion, like greed;

… but he might also have been a bogeyman of the dwarves first (in some variation) in pre-gate times. Not worshipped, of course, and not under that name, but a fictional entity in their lore.

Think about it: ancient dwarves, digging very deep, their avarice causing them to dig faster than the candlebearers can illuminate the rooms.

Sometimes they come back from deep dives stinking rich. Sometimes, however, only a lone survivor, with tales of dwarves turning on each other in the dark, possessed with greed and suspicion. Or lava veins erupting suddenly. Sometimes they never come back at a all.

Proto-Hashut might have been a dwarf “The Voice in the Dark.” “Beware of tunnels when the earth shakes and bellows like a bull.” “Beware the light of fire reflecting off of gold at night; it casts false shadows and makes dwarves see red.” Or even playfully, “Old Father Darkness, who blows out candles and gobbles up wicked children.”

And when the warp gate broke, and the Dark plains dwarves prayed to their gods and no one listened; they were thinking of the bogeyman so much that the thought took form.

CD log

We prayed; the answers came not. We had strayed so far that our gods could not, would not hear us. The anvils of grungi cracked. The runes of valaya tarnished before out eyes. It seemed our home was far behind us.

but from below, A booming sound roaring from the earth. Roaring from the dark. Roaring from the glowing lava pits. One thing had followed us. One being whispered about on cold nights. A figure out if childhood nightmares and madmen’s rantings.

It roared and we believed. It roared and we fell to our knees. Then it spoke. And we listened. A hungry voice, from a hungry god.


Just to play with Khazalid and phonetic shift:

Haraz^-skaud - (fire / lava) + (song; booming sound)
or, the bogey of lava and earthquakes. *

Add in language drift, easily becomes, “Haz-skut”
Which the CDs embraces as Hashut

^Also Har, which fits even better, technically

*(Sadly, most khazlid about darkness start with "d"s. At least with humans, D’s shift into T’s, but it’s hard to imagine a “D” morphing into an H or “Sh” sound)

The khazalid dictionary, actually, has the word:
“Boga - a candle that blows out unexpectedly plunging the tunnel into darkness.”

Which doesn’t feel like it’s related to Hashut, but the fact that it’s named “boga” implies that the dwarves did have bogeymen in the culture.


Boga is a reference to the British slang oath “bugger”, which is something you’d mutter to yourself if, say, your candle went out. It’s one of several one-line puns in Khazalid where mild British swear words are dressed up as an ancient language with profound and complex meaning.


Ha! Didn’t know that, but that makes sense. Sounds like something Bill King would slip in there.

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I love the idea of Hashut being the bogeyman/dwarf made flesh. The darkness theme fits, lava fits, the roaring like a bull is clever. Also total obedience/teamwork the only way to survive in the dark places.


With a name like Bill King (bilking, meaning to cheat someone) puns probably come naturally.

I like the dichotomies of Hashut - fire and darkness, light and shadow, they go together as opposing sides into one being, rather then the more one-dimensional chaos gods.


Perfect as well cos it phonetically reads with a northern accent. “Boga “ is how a northerner would say “bugger” whereas a southerner would say it like “buggah “

Reading it like it’s spelt and imagining the dwarf muttering it when a candle went out fills me with joy haha


The other big one is wazzock, I’m sure there are more


I love the idea of Hashut starting as an abstract fear, the worst the dwarf race can imagine about itself, an embodiment of their worst traits, a list of things on a road they are warned not to travel.

“This is how a dwarf goes wrong” they could have said. Greedy to the point of poisoning the world you live in and backstabbing your fellow dwarfs, materialistic to the point of seeing every living thing as ressources, stubborn to the point of doing anything, no matter how vile, to survive, arrogant to the point of denying the other races their right to exist.

Then chaos stepped in, and this abstract fear turned into an entity that turned the eastern dwarfs into that very thing.