Help with model size

Hey y’all. I have in my possession a resin version of everyone’s favourite chorf lord, only I feel like he’s a little bit shorter than he ought to be (no diss). Would anyone with a metal version be willing to measure and see how it compares to the one I have? Thanks :pray:

Here t’is:

Roughly 3.5cm, foot soles to the peak of his hat.


Hey VaCa. I got 35 MM. [or] 1"-3/8" Standard exactly.
Both mine have a slight tilt back at the ankles.


I thank thee, Lord :pray:

It would appear that mine is scaled properly. I always imagined him a bit larger, though, since he’s a lord character and all.

By chance I had an opportunity to bid on an auction for an original version of this, the best chaos dwarf ever released. I promptly bumped the ridiculous asking price to 350% and wasn’t bid over for the whole week. My thinking is that, if there is to be but a single original chorf miniature in my army, it really ought to be this one. Behold:

Also got his banner poles, but I’m probably gonna be using my 3D remasters, cause the original ones are so crazy bendy. Still, cool to have.

On the topic of this post, I did a side by side measurement, and it seems to me that my 3D printed one is indeed ever so slightly smaller than the metal version:


The black clouds of war gather.
The Chaos Daemons begin braying like insane beasts.
A thousand slaves have been thrown into the fires of Hashut.
A true lord of Chaos has been returned to his rightful place.
And it was good.
All rejoice.

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