Horace Embraces his Grey Destiny [BATG 2024]

These look great!

Oh man. Those crossbow dwarfs especially look so awesome!

I finally got around to actually painting and finishing some stuff!

This month’s finished pile:

Skarbrand - Quite fiddly to paint like a lot of the newer GW models, but nice to finally have a model for him.

Goblin Big Boss & Warboss - more NG for the pile

Dwarf Gyrocopter - Been wanting a second one of these for a while. Just a few more bits missing from my Dwarfs I’d like, an old 4th edition cannon, another Organ Gun and a Bolt Thrower.

War Mammoth - Printed the Emang mammoth and modified a Gnarlmore STL I found to make a Nurgle shrine for the top of it. I magnetised this bit so I could swap it for the other god options

Total :soon: 213
Added :negative_squared_cross_mark: 68
Painted :white_check_mark: 30
Score :chart_with_downwards_trend: -34


Absolutely incredible stuff, amazing work!

Fantastic mammoth! The swappable shrine on top is a great idea.

Another year another bad BATG score!

Here is the current paint queue:

1 Varghulf
2 Wraiths
2 Necromancers
1 Kairos
1 Lord of Change
1 Goblin Shaman
1 Frostheart Phoenix
1 Exalted Hero on Disc
1 Daemon Prince
1 Exalted Hero on Boobworm
3 Dwarf Thunderers
3 Dwarf Command
20 Savage Orcs
1 Exalted Seeker Chariot
1 Slaanesh Chariot
5 Seekers
1 Burning Chariot
5 Wild Riders
10 Eternal Guard
16 Glade Riders
30 Glade Guard
1 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
5 Savage Orc Boar Boyz
Orc Boar Chariot
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer
Iron Daemon
Chaos Dwarf Rocket Launcher
Chaos Dwarf Castellan
Bull Centaur
Kdaii Destroyer
17 Dwarf Warriors
16 Ironbreakers
Blue Scribes
6 Flamers
16 Dryads
Glade Lord on Eagle
Glade Lord
Captain on Horse
Sisters of Twilight on Dragon
3 Treekin
6 Wardancers
6 Waywatchers
Warhawk Rider
27 Daemonettes
1 Herald of Slaanesh

Gives me a starting point this year of:

Total :soon: 231
Added :negative_squared_cross_mark: 0
Painted :white_check_mark: 0
Score :chart_with_downwards_trend: 0

Since I did so poorly at the end of last year I had some Daemonettes almost finished so it gives me a lovely start to the year :slight_smile:

I padded them out with some fillers so it gives me enough to run 2x blocks of 30 and a pure Slaanesh army at reasonable points

Then I printed a Giant, some Fiends and some Dwarfs and undid some of my work

Total :soon: 212
Added :negative_squared_cross_mark: 9
Painted :white_check_mark: 28
Score :chart_with_downwards_trend: 19


Well I think Im going to call this month, no way I’m finishing in the next few days. At least I can now post up my Golden Hat entry which is the one thing I’ve actually finished. Unfortunately my Brets box and printed Iron Daemon somewhat ruin my stats.

Will have to make do with some WIP pics

Total :soon: 288
Added :negative_squared_cross_mark: 86
Painted :white_check_mark: 29
Score :chart_with_downwards_trend: -57


That kdaai came out great! Really nice flame effects on it. Ive never seen that r.a before

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