Horace Goes Big Hat

Cheers everyone.

8th is really very similar to 4th/5th in my opinion, that’s what I grew up on. Just the magic phase is less cool because you don’t have all the cards :slight_smile:

I still have my unit of Wolfriders and a Hobgoblin Khan to paint up, then I need to paint up Shar’tor to use as my Destroyer. I may pick up a few other bits and bobs but bargains are hard to find these days for the big hats!

The next thing I will be doing is playing a Tamurkhan campaign with my brother so I need to get the last bits of this army finished since there is a whole campaign phase against the LoA!


Great work! An army to be proud of :slight_smile:

Lovely painted army but i think you have many more unit options to cover yet before it is “finished”. I guess you were using the forgeworld armylist. There is a newer unofficial book out to download that has tonnes of new and old units.
Ive been collecting chaos dwarves for 7 months now and never played a game, reading your very good battle report makes me want a game even more! Please do more…

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Wow, lovely!

Finally finished painting my house so got back to painting proper stuff.

I managed to finish off my Hobgoblin Wolfriders, Khan and a lone Goblin Wolfrider I got alongside some wolves I had to buy off eBay.

Slightly messed up my basing and forgot to use Agrax Earth so they match the rest of my Chaos Dwarfs… hmm can’t decide whether to rebase them or not


This is epic @Horace ! You could have held these back for the competition tho. They’d have done really well :slight_smile:


man, yours is one hell of a thread! i never seen it before!
so jelous at your wolfriders!

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Glorious, glorious Hobgoblins
:heart: :heart: :heart:
These have always been some of the best miniatures ever from GW, and it’s a joy to see so many Hobgoblin wolfriders together in such a beautiful unit.
Hashut is pleased.
And I’m envious of your banners!


Cheers everyone :slight_smile:

Oh I didn’t notice that competition, would have been good timing!


What a fantastic looking big hat army you’ve got there! I absolutely adore it!


Had a battle the other day with my big hats, my brother took control of them as part of our Tamurkhan campaign

Battle report is here if anyone is interested in that sort of thing :slight_smile:


Awesome army. Love the style, lovethe vibe, love the execution, love everything.
Just bring more hoobs and you’ll reach perfection!

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