Horns of Hashut Human Warband in Warcry

@ashur : Now this got delayed, but Dwarfs will eventually come to the task and finish it relentlessly.

I was surprised when I read your post above, and marked it on the to-do-list for later. Now that I’ve found the time to look into it, I am somewhat stunned to find out that Issuu do not allow for download. They have put that basic function behind a paywall.

In other words, Issuu is trash and garbage, and to be ignored.

@Oxymandias : To be clear: I never delete things. I always save things. Both my own PDF and @Lord_of_Uzkulak 's PDF should be saved somewhere, because I have uploaded them from my computer to Issuu in the first place.

I have dug around for the original file, and I am sure it is safely stored among the older folders from storage copied over from an older computer, but I cannot find it there on an initial search. A much more thorough deep dive will have to be necessary, and that is a daunting prospect not done on the quick.

I’ve always tried to keep an orderly library on my computers, but the exact form it should take has grown forth organically as I see what works and what is needed, and what is handy. The structure has gotten increasingly rational and clear, as I realize more subcategories under mother folders are needed, than one would initially assume.

Because this Path to Glory file seems to be saved in some folder before the Photobucket Crisis of 2017 (when my current structure of working with libraries of content truly crystallized - its fully modern form came in the following years when working on T9A concepts, with subfolders for Own Work), it does for the moment elude me. I can find any number of images and stories from folders copied from older computers, but the Path to Glory documents (both rtf and PDF) are for the moment hiding.

As such, I had to log in to Issuu and manually print-screen every page and double-spread page of my Path to Glory booklet. This is a stopgap measure, because it is not printer-friendly. But it will allow for screen reading at the very least. If anyone wants to help out, then be more than welcome to volunteer.

Eventually @Lord_of_Uzkulak 's Path to Glory will be given the same treatment, but it’s 60 pages long and will be postponed for later when I find the time.

So here it is in the Library for Member Made Content:

It is possible that I might copy everything by hand and reupload if I do not manage to find the original files, but that’s for later.

@tjub : Not until now. This is one of many things on the to-do-list of things to salvage over from old CDO to the new library.