Well, it’s about time that I update this thread. My current plan is to sculpt original models from green stuff, scan those with a 3D printer, and see how it looks. There are a few steps until I get that far, though:
- The ministry of interior* has persuaded me to wait until the end July or beginning of August to get a 3D printer.
- I have a significant personal goal coming up in the next week, and I need to work past it before buying kneadatite.
In the meantime, I’ve been sketching with my awful artistry. If I do want to sculpt something original, then I want to have a clear idea of what I want. I’ll call these models “dark dwarves” becuase the name is generic enough, and the name should be readily understood. I’ve taken inspiration from everything our community enjoys here, but tonight, my sketches have focused on body type.
I’m as picky as the rest of us when it comes to the shape of our short, angry friends. For my specific taste, the traditional Warhammer dwarves are out of the question: the 1990s era dwarves are slapstick heads with limbs and no space for internal organs, while the dwarves in Total War: Warhammer are have proportions which are physically impossible (shoulders which connect to armor rather than the rest of the body, leg and torso proportions which leave no space for a pelvis, etc.). I have no objections to those who like this style, but it’s not what I want to sculpt.
If I want realistic proportions, then I’m left with two prominent options: Baldur’s Gate 3, and World of Warcraft.
Neither model is exactly to my taste. The BG3 dwarf has feet which don’t seem wide enough to support such a bulky frame, and the legs couldn’t stabilize the body when those big arms are beating an anvil at full force. The WoW dwarf has short arms for a creature of great upper body strength, especially considering the gorilla torso.
I did mention apes on the Discord recently, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes in particular. I’m a big fan of the village raid scene, both for the theme and the aesthetic. I realized, when watching the action, that I’d like my dwarves to have a chimp body type. Pound for pound, a gorilla is still stronger than a chimp; it would beat the snot out of one even if they were the same size. However, gorillas lack the fine motor skills of chimp hands, which would be needed for blacksmithing work. And really, a dwarf is buffer than a human, but does it need to look like a gorilla? Maybe for a “dwarf brute” model with higher wounds/HP than others, like the “orc brute” models in some 28mm armies, but I’m not thinking about that now. I’m thinking of mainline infantry or cavalry like this:
That’s Lightning, a villain from the movie. There aren’t clearer screencaps of him on the net yet, but when they’re are, I’m sculpting models with those proportions. Strong but not a freak, shaped like the letter W rather than the letter H. With that inspiration, and while picking and choosing between BG3 and WoW, I came up with this:
If you can ignore my crooked lines, you could see the direction I’m going with: big hands like the BG3 dwarf, big feet and legs like the WoW dwarf, and the big head and shoulders like the latter. And like a chimp, these guys are max 150cm tall but will toss you out of a bar all the same. Let’s see if I can get the green stuff soon and make a few models of this basic pose, at least as a reference for later models (more on that when I can take this first step).