"In which we imagine EvilFuzzyDoom happy" [BATG 2024]

I’ve been a bit slack updating, so I’m just going to smash these out without much commentary.


I sold the Achilles Ridgerunner I bought earlier this year. Since it’s in-and-out in the same year, it will come off the pile.


Knights of Dice had a surprise post-closure sale so I panicked and bought all the rest of the scenery I was going to buy last year. Then I forgot about it! I now have a big pile of stinky MDF that I may or may not get around to building any time soon. Still, it is very nice. It includes 7 foundation blocks, 2 highway sections and a pair of ruined highway sections. Eleven onto the pile.


Ashamed of forgetting about the MDF pile, I painted up the slightly-converted Death Guard Centurion I’ve had on my desk for a little while. One off the pile.

Net result: nine onto the pile. I’m still telling myself that I’m going to do a huge built & paint day for all my Zone Mortalis scenery but the clock is ticking. We’ll see how Christmas goes, I guess…

Also, I’m on 199 models painted! I’ll have a rummage and see if there’s anything special I feel like painting for number 200.

BATG Score: +86 :negative_squared_cross_mark: