Insectoid's Unbaraki of Mingol Dumang

Original conversions, great idea with he “tuba-hat”! :hatoff:


Thanks! I’m gonna see to it that these old fellows get included in the unit eventually. I’m just not quite happy with the conversions yet. My sculpting skills were so far good enough for Skaven and Nurgle, but are still pretty bad for everything that isn’t tumors or fur :mad:

Thanks mate! I felt I had to explain why anyone would wear these fashionable but impractical things :cd1991:

Ghur also seemed like a good setting. Current GHB focuses on Gallet, and there’s lots of greenskin and ogor tribes to enslave. Maybe in the future I’ll add some arachnid-focused stuff with mutated Spiderfang grots or Tarantulous Brood mercenaries.

  • Small Update / WIP: Immortal / Chosen (Mark of Slaanesh)

What do y’all think of the conversion/color scheme so far?


Great stuff, Sir! Really like the hat/mask conversions on these guys!

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Thanks :hatoff:

  • Yet another WIP: 2 more Immortals / Chosen

Inspired by Frank Miller’s 300, as well as my inability to print / purchase the excellent Lost Kingdom version.

Also, LEGO always helps.


Woah really awesome work buddy! I have a question how did you make that hat/helmet?
d12b947eeaf7acf35be6384d52d47bde7c702c25_2_375x500 (1)


The top bit is from a dwarf sprue but i never knew what it was meant to be…

It’s the top of a tuba from the old dwarf warrior kit. I believe there were two of these bitz in every box,but I guess you could easily replicate them by making moulds, seeing as the models have gone OOP…
Thunderers came with drums btw, which I am currently using as hats for my Immortals. Lots of uses for musical instruments there!


More specific please? Thank you.

Oh thank you, i’m off from Warhammer since 2004… I’ve lost many knowledge about sprues and miniatures in general, you mean old dwarves from 6th edition? (sorry for my really bad english)

I believe it is the 7th ed one. Might be fairly hard to come by these days if you start from scratch.

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Really enjoying your builds. And yes Lego is an excellent source of bits, especially the Bionicle line. I find use of them quite frequently in my kit-bashes. Keep em coming!


Is this guy?

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I think this is a monopose dwarf from the Battle for Skull Pass starter set. Correct edition but they also released a multi part dwarf warrior kit which became OOP some years ago. After that, ebay prices for these kits became ridiculous, at least around here. You probably have best chances with veteran dwarf players as mentioned above.

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I see… Thank you all boys

Can’t find it… -frustrated-

@Zorokrath Not a great image but it is on this sprue (the one round bit in the bottom right corner next to the shields).

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If you’re from Germany, I can send you a spare one. Should be easy enough to make copies of :+1: