Kadagrath’s Seige Legion (WIP)

Decided to start this thread for my growing infernal legion! As of posting, I do not have much finished as I’m in the process of making/printing everything I would like to make! The minis seen here (save for the body of the Lammasu) have all been made since Christmas, so this is a kind of start of the year update.

I hope you enjoy!

Starting off we have my humble Hobgoblin Khan! It’s made from the Bloodbowl hobgobbos and some spare dark elf and other fantasy bits.

Next up, a humble Daemonsmith on foot! Based off of a design I saw off of instagram (if you know the original creator please lmk :pray:)

And finally I have made a suitable rider for my Lammasu! Made from a Bloodbowl Flamesmith and a couple other parts from my extensive bits collection! The Lammasu, if y’all haven’t seen it before, is made from the Centurion Marshal from Warcry and a Frost Dragons wings from Reaper Minis.

That’s the update so far! I have some Bull Centaurs currently getting made, and plans for some hobgoblin bolt throwers so stay tuned! Once I have these next two projects built I will finally stop making minis and get to painting. Very excited to see where this year takes me!!

Happy New Years,


Oh damn, fantastic conversions! Really showing the Blood Bowl team’s potential! Excellent work


These look amazing, look forward to your other conversions

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