Khamdrim Sky-Master's Battle Against the Grey [BATG 2022]

Placeholder for DG KillTeam

So let’s start with the three randos. Along with the beautiful bounty I got ages ago that included some OG daemonettes, I got the Death Guard Dark Imperium portion. That inspired me to make my kill team (more to follow on that), inspired by both Dead Space and the 7 dwarves. I still don’t understand how I thought that would be a good combo. But this also gave me an excuse to look at and paint the other characters too, just not in that theme. So, I primed and painted the three characters that came with the set to start with, and tried to do something different than what I usually do.

I started with a brown basecoat added with my airbrush, followed be a heavy “zenithal” (just because of how heavy and all covering it actually was) of a mix of bone and ork skin green.

I then “carefully” stipled lighter mixes of the same highligh colors onto the models to give them that dirty motteld look. I found out that it didn’t really give them a lot of shading, but eh, you live and you learn.

So, after probably waaaay too long, here are the three characters. I did not realize just how many details the f-ers had.

Noxious Blightbringer

Lord of Contagion

Malignant Plaguecaster (Yes I know it’s the wrong backpack, haha. I realized that when I got online to see if I could get inspiration for the fly… herp derp)

And one last time, all together now! All we need is love … doo doodoooo doooooo!!!

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