Here is the Marienburg warband I decided to go with. Had some struggles with the colors (didn’t want to just go with the trite Marienburg colors, and settled with the Van De Kuypers family from the Warhammer DnD world. That means my colors were supposed to be crimson, and yellow…….
So I got some of the old empire infantry from a friend, added some WGA conquistador parts, and added some beautiful old school mordheim models to them (with some minor, quasi sacrilegious modifications).
For the bases I just grabbed a 50/50 mix of greenstuff and Milli put and just threw a bunch of crap on them to make them be more “fun” to see
Had a bunch of fun working on the details of the models, and definitely struggled to find a combo that didn’t seem like the models belonged in a Christmas winter village or in a circus set
I then realized that I wanted to freehand the family symbol, so I scraped off the details off of two of the shields and got to painting
So the warband composition is as follows:
Captain and two champions
Two Youngbloods
Two (three pictured) swordsmen
Four marksmen
Not pictured are the merchant and the ogre, mainly cause I haven’t gotten the first or finished the second.
But here are the finished freehands