Loidrial set foot in Mordheim

I love his face, but the sword is beautiful. Fantastic wirk

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Another one done, this was a quick one.
Last 2 missing are the most interesting ones to me. I hope I can finish them next week


Absolutely lovely corporate design that still preserves a sort of rag-tag appeal! Do they represent a certain faction of Mordheim lore?

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i know jackshit of mordheim, nor lore either hauhauhua
i always loved Cadwallon from Confrontation, and it had the same vibe to me XD
as simple as that ahuahuhauhua

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You are such a talented artist! It is clear the love you give your models. :hatoff:

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Is that NMM on the blades? They are amazing.

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@forgefire oh damn man! thanks! coming from you in particular it means a lot xD i dont feel that way because my impostor syndrome forbids it hauuhahuahua
I really hope to see one of your drawings in the upcoming artisan contest!

@Bassman yes shields and swords are nmm, i wanted to give it a try as i never did it before. takes way too much time for my taste ahuauhauhua would be done in a second with an airbrush but i still cant get my mindset to use it. rocking and painting like the 90s still ahuahuhua

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5/6 completed! last one will take a break (also because i broke the model and i have to fix it) so i can understand how to create what i have in mind for the new golden hat!


Eddy, these guys are all fantastic! Every once in a while I log onto the discourse to check random posts, and it always pays out! This was such a good find!

Oh damn thanks! Those fuckers! With them Back in may I won in Modena Play a 2nd place for best mordheim warband at the Golden Gotthard xD
I’m bringing them out this Sunday once more as there is another mordheim event in Milano organised by the same ppl!
This time only as display tho


Man, man, man, your warriors look really brilliant! Simply stunning work! :beer:

I declare, 1 year later, that this will be the post where i’ll update my mordheim journey, not only as hobbyst but as visitor as well.
Like the 1st post here, this year the annual Milano Wargames took place and althought i thought the general event (wasnt only about mordheim) was less cool than last year, mordheim wise went even stronger!

here are some shots of the many tables that there were around, i have almost 100 general pics of the day, so i cant put them all, i’ll chose some 10/20 top to give you a general idea of what the great day was about (beer and friends, and eggplants, and miniatures, and beer, and eggplants)
I spent half day once again in company of @Fabelzel , I handed him the new John Blanche book i bought for him 1 month ago in Lucca, and he handed me his own handsculpted badass giant!! That will be terrific to paint! I have to figure out how to make the best out of that amazing model!

This is my the fantastic core lot that were there, I made so many friends now in this world, it’s incredible, and they are all better than me hauhuahuahu

You here have from left to right:
me with my glowing eggplant
Marcello Rizza (Uollas_Uolsh) majestic painter
Paolo Boffo (vegetarianozombi) highmaster of the gaming tables
Alessio Cisbani (wolfbaneart) former golden demon pluri winner (11 wins!), amazing sculptor, the hands behind my chaos dwarf sorcerer commission
Pier Piccinini (metalmaria) master crafter, housemakers, amazing diorama awards winner
and bottom Davide Rapazzini (rapaz) another great 4 golden demon winner, outstanding painter and painting tutor.

I still wonder how the fuck I ended up in this group ahuahuhau
On this facebook link you can see all the warbands who took place to the event,
But now let’s roll with the tables!

And now some more scenic shots!

Guys this is what makes me fall in love with this world every time, the passion put all together by a bunch of random guys who in their life do something totally different for living. Those events are what get the whole community up and running after all those years, still finding new ideas and new strenght to come up with more stuff.

I’ll have to play 1 mordheim match at some point in my life ahuhauahuahu.

Also! The silver winner of our Golden Eggplant contest was attending the event as well, so no better occasion to give her the prize! :eggplant::eggplant::eggplant:

I obviously spent from 9.30 till 19.00 with the Led Eggplant turned on huahuahuahua

Thanks guys for tuning in in my mess of life! ahuauhhauha CIAO!


That is some sweet terrain, really inspiring!


Those tables are absolutely gorgeous…works of art in their own right.
Neon Eggplant, only a crazy Italian could pull that off so effortlessly :heart:


Both t-shirt with my eggplant face and the neon one were birthday presents hauahau
Go figure!

And yes, those tables are wonderful, they really make you want to play the game even if you know nothing of it. They are a bliss to admire and you can get lost in details for hours!


I finally took a shot at the warband I took for the Golden Gotthard 2023 back in may
It won me a 2nd place in the warband section


new year, new model (actually i started this in 2023 but still)
it’s the witch from my friend Wolfbane (the same who sculpted my commissioned sorcerer)


Taking on another task for may tournament in Modena
This time is gonna be duel subject

Then I cut 3 cm from the base of the columns

It’s my 1st time working with foam, I know the scene is something already seen, but for my 1st time I wanted to try something bit safe and manageable

An eshin assassin ambushing a poor explorer, the whole scene will be at night, so will have to figure out all the lights (so far I went bit heavy on the feet by accident)


I kept working now and then, this weekend I spent 20 hours on it and I’m nowhere close to finish


Looks fantastic already! Love the light effect from the torch!

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