So there are four pieces of artillery so far, all in various stages of WIP:
- Magma Cannon
The Magma Cannon inspiration is that of a ship of line deck gun (or shall I say, “blimp” of the line, har har har). The only mod I made on this one was small iron rings to accomodate the lines that will hold it tight against the railing
Hopefully I’ll get it to look like this once I’m done with all the messy stir sticks and random other materials

- Iron Daemon
Another very vanilla piece. No changes from the normal one. I actually had two of these and used the pieces to make the Skullcracker Blimp.
- Skullcracker Blimp
My pride and joy, and also my personal nightmare. This piece has gone through several revisions, since I can’t seem to make up my mind on the color scheme and, more importantly, on the balloon the blimp is going to be carried by. Yes, that was a POM bottle that was in strong contention for first place in a “what am I gonna use” competition. Still open, mind you.
It is, however, by far the best piece of the army so far, despite not being finished.
- Hellcannon
The inspiration for the Hellcannon is a cross between a ship of the line swivel gun and a mortar, obvious oversized.
So far I am trying to fix the cannon, since I got it second hand from someone who used too much glue and did not align it properly (gaps are terrifying in models)…
So that’s the four pieces that I have so far. Hopefully they’ll be done getting painted and joined by a mortar (at some point).