This is a showcase of my “approaching the finish line but still not quite there yet” army that is loosely based on the concept that the lost city of Karak Vlag was somehow not lost but rather tossed into the sky. After being tortured by the gods of chaos and their hellish compadres, the inhabitants of Karak Vlag turned to Hashut for the strength and power to fight back. And fight back they did, reaching out with their blimps powered by the souls of the creatures they slayed. Now they’re back to enslave the rats that moved into their original mountains, and crush the Kislev humans to the South.
My army is comprised of the following, in various states of completion:
2x14-dawi units of fireglaives (which can be combined into a whopping 28 man unit ... yay math)
36-skaven slaves unit, proxying in as the hobbos we all love
4 K'daai Fireborn
These are 100% proxies, and a tad small, so at some point I may be changing them out
For HQ:
So, below will be my showcases, where I walk through my models and my designs for them. I have never used them to play and hopefully will…someday…when they’re done…soon…!