Lost Legions of Karak Vlag [LLoKV] 2022NOV2

Adding another unit, this time some bull centaurs! These are the very same that I was gifted by @Hashoooot. Same as most of the other guys, these centaurs are also breathing some nice collected slaughtered souls, this time, from the rocketeer jetpack (just flipped upside down).

The rest of the job was done with some greenstuff to make their rebreathers and piping. Then, it was time for the paintjob. I decided to go for flags on their backs.

The flags, in order from left to right, are Kislev, Kraka Drak, half-Nordland half-Hochland, Sarl, then the full Hochland.

So there they are! Just need to find the right bases.


Oooooo so those were yours!! I couldn’t figure it out!
Great display, fierce charge.
10/10 wouldn’t stand a chance


Sorry for the late reaction (I took another break from my CD activities)!

Love those bull centaurs! You really made the dynamic poses shine! I’m also super impressed by the subtle combination of corporate design and individualization in the details - another great achievement!

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I have been admiring the Endrinriggers for a while now, and wanting to own a kit or two to turn them into SOMETHING. I got myself a kit last year, and got gifted another by my brother-in-law, so it was only time until I figured something out. So here they are, my flying Acolytes of Hashoooooot.
As is usual for our community, it all starts with hats.

Printed these bad boys in all shapes and sizes, collecting a variety of ones that were too big, or too small. So I chopped off the tops of the endrinriggers’ heads, and put those beauties on. Then, it was time for Greenstuff!

Started with a plate, then the beard, then the skirt, and finally the lamellar armour.

I then found some wings for the birdy guys, and had to modify their weapons to turn the left fist held weapon into a flamethrower with an axe head

I was then ready to paint. For the base, I printed off some previously plane cut Bestiarium Miniatures deck from their blimp (Nov 21 Patreon, I believe).

Et voilá! Some owl hoot in’ acolytes, ready to fight for their petrified sorcerer.

If people want, I can post the individual photos, since I was really hoping to use these for the artisan’s until the topic came out, that is, hahaha)


Some detail pictures showing especially the back would be nice! :smiley:

One more question, where are the wings from? :thinking:

I think I could steal the idea after all, the guys look really cool! :wink:

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I can send them to you. They were free files. from a Bubo owl model (the one from Jason and the Argonauts)

Just what Hashut was missing: Ariel mobility! An alliance between the 3 facets of Hashut (Walhut, Hashoot, and Hashut) would make for a real joint ops play. Imagine the Navy, Airforce, and Army working in concert, but everyone is an angry beared dwarf. Old World Super Power Right here! Didn’t someone make an ICBM too?


I’m providing the Ariel mobility. Kham here is more in the aerial realm.

Printing, digital hacking, and traditional sculpting all at play in a unit! Arise ye servants of the Chaos Dwarf Outer Gods, Hashoot has come to bargain.


hey man my brain is off, i got nurgle rot and everything is in a fog! excellent catch on my spelling fail tho hahaha!

Ah ye have simply right place right timed my desire to spam a broken finger napalm pissing meme on every blog apparently.

Just when you think a thread is safe, memes come right out of Erewhon.


Not Pictured: hes squatting on a shed dropping ass cannon ammo


VERY sexy models! can’t wait to see them finished.


So, I’m gonna be honest in admitting that I never thought I’d make a human model for my Karak Vlag legions, but when the Artisan’s Contest XXXV came around, I had to throw my attempt in with the gods of this discourse. I had previously found a 3d sculpt of the Rock with his quizzical look and thought it was hilarious, planning on making a Rock marine out of him, so it didn’t take long to shift him over to a Horn of Hashut human follower.

This was definitely my most ambitious Artisan entry so far, since I started from scratch with a wire mesh. I use a darkoath chieftain from the Silver Tower set to mark height and sizes of his body parts.

I then went ham in sculpting up his details. The biggest hurdle I found was how little one could accomplish in a single sitting, since the greenstuff had to cure in between almost every layer.

Once the body was done, I printed the head, and started adding the details, horns, chains, and lamellar armor. Since I still needed him to fit in my army, I used the LK impaled slaves and set them up for some “life draining” so that the rest of the chaos scarred army could continue to enslave the rest of the eastern empire with their life force.

And there we have him! I loved making this dude. Although, I think his “guns” are bit too big…


Lovely sculpt and diorama build!

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Thanks!! It took a lot of time but was an absolute joy to a. I felt like I learned a lot out of it

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I really liked this entry, it looked like it had some story!
And Lego gears.

Is the slaves’ paint job finished or was it… abridged for contest deadline reasons?

I was trying to depict it being lifeless at that point. Does it need more work? If so, any recommendations?

I will say it definitely looks better in person than it does through photos. I struggle with getting decent photos of my work

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I know the problem, currently waiting for a friend with better camera before I put my entry into the thread. ^^

Judging from your photos as is, I’d expect dried blood on certain places, and for them looking dead a less rosy flesh tone.

Maybe a nice blue filter application

Last negative addition to the BATG for the year. I printed some blunderbuss guys, using some spare bits from a longbeards. Some printing, creative chopping, and some more greenstuff, and the guys were ready:

Also had a random Mage Knight steam golem lying around, so he also got a makeover (to include some beardy details)

Then it was time to paint them all up. With these, I further contribute to the net zero of my printed to painted models (-17)

The champion is by far my favorite since I had to give him some well needed rhinoplasty, since I forgot to remove a support until it was painted, caved, tried to take it off, taking his nose off in the process