Lost Legions of Karak Vlag [LLoKV] 2022NOV2

The best thing about the post GH or Artisan competitions is being able to post the build and inspirations of the entry. My siege tower idea came from the Torturer’s Apprentice organ from the Adventures of the Baron Von Munchausen.

Knowing I needed a siege tower, I figured I’d combine the two and create a unique entry into both the GH as well as my army. Most of the siege tower was coffee stirrers and plasticard

I then made some cannons out of two random tree trunks, giving them my signature Minotaur heads

Then, we accessorise!!!

The sultan was just one of the engineers who I gave a seat and sultan hat to

Then, I forgot to take more photos…. Until it was painted. So here are the photos that didn’t make it into the entry