MrMelons Malefic Minis

That is a clever source of hats.

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Some edits and additions to his beard, and my first attempt at a blunderbuss


What’s the white bit you used for the end of the barrel?

Its the end of a plastic thumbtack, I’ve seen them used as hats here before but I think the silhouette is too distinctive, but they are a good size for blunderbusses. I then carved a hole in it with a drill and hobby knife. May expand the hole to be bigger later.


I’m having trouble deciding if I want to sculpt scales on all my blunderbusses, it’s not too difficult to do the dragon style but having actual chorf scales with the square and then triangle taper is much more difficult I find. Wondering if I should just keep the chainmail

Also, as per @Zoddtheimmortal ’s suggestion I got some night goblins, I like having the extra fabric on the arms, and I will be turning the actual minis into my hobgoblin archers, using their melee arms for my remaining kitbashed regular gobbos. I also realised I should be making some axes since their original models had a lot of them.


I decided not to bother with scale mail myself. But I’m not sculptor. You seem handy enough with the green stuff.

That said, if you don’t mind some constructive criticism, I think the scales stick out too much. To me, it looks more like some kind of quilting as a result.

I think you’d get a better look if you cut the plastic down first, before sculpting over it. (Though I realise that’s even more work. I wouldn’t blame you for sticking with the chainmail.)

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I decided to do the greenstuff on top first to see how it looked, as if i carve out the chainmail I’m comitting to it.


That makes sense.

I suppose, if you want to experiment, it would be better to test things out on a model that hasn’t already got a beard and everything.

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Thought I’d post a picture of what my full collection looks like right now, I’ve got a lot of forge word off eBay but haven’t posted since you’ve seen em a hundred times before. Still deciding on a colour scheme but I’m thinking green. Also I’ve done some more hobgoblins but I’ve got 79 more to go!


Made my first prototype Hobgoblin archer. I think the silhouette is still pretty night goblin overall but I’m fairly happy with it.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to give some more hob to the gob I’m open. I was thinking maybe getting some more normal goblin heads so they look less hooded.


I think the hoods are fine for hobgoblins. If you want them to look more distinctive, then maybe a hunchback - but I don’t know how to do that.


I got really inspired by @CaptainBrineblood and wanted to kitbash my own Lammasu for playing old world. (I hope he doesn’t mind my imitation)

I am not nearly as skilled with the putty but I must say the Tamiya epoxy is good to work with. It has its advantages over green stuff, especially for detail.

I wanted to emphasise the magical nature of the creature so I’ve put on some jewels I’ll paint different colours. Might give him a necklace too.

Not decided if I want to give him a big hat or a nice mane, vote now! :hatoff:


BIG HAT…Well yeA…




Glad mine could be of inspiration :slight_smile:

Great work on your Lammasu


This is all really great… you’re on a good path here :hatoff:


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Alternative hat:

I have now added the wings and started work on a hat. I used the end of a super glue model and some sticky gems and things I got from
Hobby craft. Also glued a skull on top. I think I prefer the taller one but a friend of mine thought maybe it was too big so there is an alt version that’s shorter.

Getting the right wing on was difficult and it has made space for the rider quite tight unfortunately, however the base is so small that having the wings be lower would take up too much side space. I also foolishly glued him to his tactical rock before realising I may want to adjust his pose.

For the rider I’m thinking of just using a regular forge world daemonsmith and either getting that Neferata chair or making my own with sculpting and plasticard.

Let me know what you guys think of the hat and what I can do to improve it. :hat2:


Thought I’d post my Sorcerer-Prophet that I’ve started getting more work done on. I can’t recall who first suggested this conversion but it is pretty good looking. Just struggling with making him some sabatons.

I decided I wanted his staff to look more like the classic chaos dwarf sorcerer staff, I’ve yet to add the wings or side spikes yet though. I may also add bands to them to break up the beard.




I decided to do some painting finally as I’ve been kitbashing for a long time. I’ve gone for a classic yellow and red outfit, though I’ll make some with more bluey-purple hats. The skin was primarily inspired by TWW3:

My bases are going to be the same ash wasteland as the one you see on my 40K Chaos Squat if you scroll up. Let me know what you think!


“Youz remind me of da babe!”

“Wot babe?”

“Da babe of da powah!”

“Wot powah?”

“Da powah of vodoo!”

“Oo do?”

“Youz do!”

“Do wot?”

“Remindz me of da babe!”

Conversation between the “sorcerer” Jarethizzar and another hobgoblin.