Hi folks,
Time to inteoduce myself since it’s gettin’ serious. I’ve been a warhammer fan since 6th ed, having played Wood Elves and some Ogres back then. Even back then, around 2005, Chorfs were this mysterious, hard to get by, race that was just on the very ede of our hobby. No one I knew had any models and the new Forgeworld stuff that came out then didn’t have much of an impact on our gaming group.
I dropped out of the hobby in 8th and got back in during the Covid pandemic. Played some 9th age, then switched to WAP, now finally settling more and more on TOW. Over the last few years I have expanded my Wood Elves collection, amassed lotsa Ogres, bought a whole Beastmen Army and a Nippon Army which I am currently also expanding. Then, with the new TOW it struck me - Chaos Dwarfs looked more and more fun! Also the vision of once pounding my best fella’s Dwarfs with them seemed too juicy to not try out. But … money …
So after some weeks of research I more and more disliked the more serious look of the newer Legion of Azorgh and more and more grew on the idea of collecting oldskool BigHats. So I bought a printer and fed it with about 5 litres of resin and there I am - my first 2 games with my new chorfs were a blast and in the 2nd I managed to smash those wimpy good Dwarfs
Also, I’m having a blast converting and painting the new models, adoring their style. Big thanks to Fabelzel so far, since most of my first batch are his designs or derivatives of those. Also thanks to all the other dedicated people working on cool designs, deepening the available pool of cool
I’ve now also become a patreon of Brawniac, but didn’t yet have time to print any of his range, sadly. Will open a showcase thread about my army project as well.
Nice to meet you guys!
Cheers, Oscar
Located in Austria if anyone is up for a game or trade. Here’s a small teaser of my work so far: