Greetings fellow Sorcerer Prophets! I am a new player to tabletop who got involved in the warhammer scene with falling in love with Total War over the pandemic. I just got the courage to try and collect the mighty Dawi-Zharr as my first army alongside my brother with his skaven, and I was wondering what rules should I look at when building my dreadquake mortar centric list and what rules do you guys use when playing?
Glad you are taking the plunge!
I recommend wap 9th book. Its free online
Warhammer armies project
There is also a forge world book out there but ive never seen it. The rules dont seem to allow for enough chaosdwarfs for my tastes
Wap 9th or ravening hordes 6th edition will dofor me until the olde worlde beckons
Thank you for the response i just found the rulebook and I feel like its way more broad than the legion of Azgorh rules. Could I realistically bring rules like this into a club environment or would this be something I should ask people if they are okay about first?
WAP 9th is a full system all it’s own at , so if your club plays WAP this is the list you’d bring, but if your club plays 8th you’d need permission to play a WAP list
Lots of the options you’d find in the 9th edition WAP book are written for use with the WAP rules. Medium armour and so forth.
The trick to playing Chaos Dwarfs is to know who you’re playing with, and be friends with them.
Where are you based? Maybe we know some players who can tell you about their local scene.
Do you have much experience with Warhammer Fantasy? If so, which edition? We may have alternative rulesets that can help.
I think im going to start off playing friendly games with stand ins for the models with my sibling to figure out my list and then look for clubs. I live around Boston New England area.
Innnntrestin. I’m so sorry for you. I’m also in Boston. Admittedly you’ve ended up near the worst gamer on this forum. I do paint a mean tentacle though, not to doot my own bullhorn.
I know nothing of the local scene. I would hazard a guess that there is little to no traction in Warhammer fantasy nor WAP unless niche circles are breached. Be happy to be proven wrong though if you unearth anything. Certainly keep in touch and reach out if you need anything!
thank you i got the same feeling that our wonderful state is kinda lacking in the warhammer scene.
I know a couple of people personally who paint minis so maybe there is a hidden coven of warhammer fantasy.
@bigboom good to have you here!
Also class that you are close enough you can maybe get @Reaver to use some of those beautifully painted minis! Get @KhamdrimSkyMaster involved.
Maybe CDO Offline USA is closer than we think
Lovely to have fresh new faces at CDO. Great introduction. Looking forward to watching your hobby journey unfold
Since there is no single officially supported or clearly mainstream WHF main rule set, what you usually do, is looking in your local scene what is established/offered there and choose accordingly. Optionally you can try to establish another one if you know, what you want.
The main rule sets and their according CD sources are:
- WAP 9th with their army book
- WCE with their included list
- GW’s 6th or 7th edition with Ravening Hordes
- GW’s 8th edition with Tamurkhan or the WAP 8th army book (WAP supplied official editions with unofficial army books before creating its own 9th)
- 9th Age with their book (even if it’s strictly “not” WHF, i.e. changed names for more legal safety)
- Kings of War, which is a different game by a commercial competitor, but still a WHF successor with mostly WHF factions
- Middlehammer or Oldhammer (collection terms) for fans of even older GW editions
to name the options that would come to my mind.
From those, everything that is not a GW edition is supported at this point of time, some don’t have full-colour books and rather blunt PDFs, but all have CDs.
Now, you seem to not have an existing scene where you live and would have to establish a gaming group (of at least 2 people) from zero.
Given the free choice, I would decide by the main rules what I like the most. But speaking of the dreadquake mortar, some of the sets are written with the old pewter model in mind (putting it on a 50×100 or similarly sized base) and others with the FW’s considerably bigger railway wagon in mind. Which difference not necessary coincides with which rule sets I would consider better or worse.
But for this decision you’d need enough experience or knowledge to know what you like about the rules, or start trying at one point.
I’d still advise to find out more about the people painting minis, maybe there is something hidden that can make the beginning much more comfortable.
If you’re looking for more AoS rules… there will be a fan-made battletome soon. We are basing it on a cross between the old-school CDs and LoA. There will be some of the Total war feel to it. If interested in playtesting let me know. If you want to stick with regimented i would go with WAP… it good ruleset and has a lot of opinions.
I mean, @StyrofoamKing lives about 15-20 min from me….