Let me introduce you guys
This is our wonderful dog Eira. She’s a golden retriever, she is amazing with my 13 and 7 year old boys and an absolute joy to have around the house.
Unfortunately though she also has a habit of falling asleep on our bed when I’m working, still working from home. I say unfortunately because the last time Eira was asleep she accidentally rolled off the bed and onto the box where I keep all my Forgeworld Resin Chaos Dwarf collection including the latest edition to those…the plastic hobbos. All the hobbos I’ve seen so far have been damaged in some way haven’t brought myself to look at the Forgeworld stuff yet but that was actually under a few layers of wrap and other things so I’m optimistic.
I’ll need to pick some new hobbos at some point though
She’s lucky she’s so lovely and of course she’s not hurt at all, was maybe a little bewildered by falling off the bed