Time again for the stupid question of the week.
As my dear ole dad used to say " there are NO stupid question, Just stupid people."
Soooo, In my 40 + years of painting Chaos. I have never painted a Orc, goblin, or forbid a Hob Goblin.
I Have done a few random bits, but nothing big or cohesive.
It seams like I have been gifted some sneaky gits and wolf riders
for my new army.
What are the proper base colors and washes? What are the general standards?
Any and ALL help will be useful.
Thanks in advance.
All Praise Hashut.
Cheers mate.
So, you really can take Hobgoblins (and all greenskins, really) to a lot of places.
Historically, during the Big Hat era Hobgoblins had a strong green skintone. That’s fairly easy: Start with a dark green base (really depends on the colours you have. Something you would use for painting a 40k Dark Angel), highlight with a lighter green, use a green wash and another highlight. Something like this. You can also go for a more desaturated skin, like you would see usually on Goblins. Same idea as the darker skin but lighter colours, maybe wash with brown instead of green or make a mix. Modern day Hobgrots have this yellowy skin. Haven’t done it myself but GW has a handy tutorial (also has Kruelboy skin, so this more desaturated look).
Personally I went for a desaturated green, def in the direction of old goblin green but leaning more towards death guard green:
Thanks so much O great Jasko, Patron of Hashut.
That is the look I’m going for.
The one small Gobo I painted as a test looked like a mini frog. I will do a test of these.
I try to make sure to have some nice contrasts in the green flesh. Red/ever so slightly purple in the recesses, and greenish yellow on the raised edges. Ears, lips, and possibly nose and palms get a bit of Caucasian skin tone and is blended with the green.
VT, nice, never heard of that color combo before . I will give it a try, thanks.
Thanks ALL. Thru a careful thought out suggestion process, with graphs, charts and future recommendation’s all was thrown
out and old, old, old 1994 paints, washes and dyes were used to cobble together a half assed butt usable plan to geterdone.
Thanks ALL. Really.