Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Feb 7 2025 - That 70's Crow]

It’s big, it’s hats.
It’s bighats bitches.

Presenting the James Fab Fuggit Zonk Workshop Blunderbusses coming straight to you from the why did I use so many dam colors workbench.

Between the community sourced models and community sourced schemes there’s almost nothing original in here! (Except the Mage Knight steam golem filler, except I copied the idea from @KhamdrimSkyMaster nevermind, loosely Mercurymon from Digimon inspired too)

Really love the Bluebeard Pirate… now what am I missing…
Admiralty Anvil hat banner? Oh right! Brawnderbusses!

Alas, I sits on my walletses and waits. Glad to have this unit done. I couldn’t escape that Astrazonk kitbash without needing to scratch the bighat sized itch a little (lot) more.