Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Feb 7 2025 - That 70's Crow]

Continuing on the warmachine theme of late. 2 of 9 asscannons are now ready for bumbardment! I won’t stop until I have a fully certified arsenal. I never want to show up to the battlefield out-bummed after all.

OSM really shat this one out of the park! Fully recommend bumbling around in your prison wallet for the fun-funds to get one yourself.

Link to WIP

Also, OSM wheelbarrow helper is right up there in most useful chaos dwarf sculpts of all time. I wonder what my next copy of him will be lugging around.

After some in depth scrotum conversation, my asscannon headcanon is that these little daemon balls definitely not inspired by Digimon, get schlurped up by the cannon beast and make their way on a kind of magic school bus style adventure through the digestive system. (Which @chitzkoi has described as an existential journey through the warp) I can only imagine what kind of magic, torture, math, and ethical life lessons they learn along their way to the marination chamber.

:arrow_up: Can’t forget a picture of the business end


Beautiful rendition of a classic. So many colours! Are you loving the randomness of colour selection?

(Liberating isnt it?)


And now… some great models from Lost Kingdom, brimming with detail. Too much frankly, so I took some different (lazy) approaches painting them.

Rare among my infantry in that there is no filler which suits the shields and spears look nicely.

Overall pleased enough to have some immortals table ready and off my desk.


As per usual, exceptional job on these!!!


I looking over my old bookmarks and decided to see what chaos the dwarfs were up to. Your thread was soo good, i had to find my username and post!

Great job, love it from intro to the end!
Thanks for the inspiration!


Glad to have you back! It’s been a busy 3 years! Lots on the forum to peruse.


Beautiful, and although you say so simple they are brilliantly painted.
I’m already shuddering at my squad, as you say, so much detail.


As I was painting these I was thinking, but what would Bessron do… and then how do I cut out steps B through Y.


Presenting Astrazonk Pewterfist, scamming his way into the conclave of Hashut’s inner circle. Always making promises of grandeur, smuggling his loot away to hidden stashes.

Kitbash was fairly fast, Zonk sorcerer model, +mage knight steam knight legs, + 2 finishing nails, + green stuff banners, + greebles. Donezo bunzo.

Side note, I really don’t like painting lightning bolts. I’m far too obtuse to paint that many acute angles. Never again, probably….

Thanks to all who participated and voted in the Golden Hat XLI!


A really cool interpretation and wonderful self-build of an unnamed model. the painting is also on a high level.

A really cool interpretation and wonderful self-build of an unnamed model. the painting is also on a high level.


Such a glorious idea to use the Zonk sorcerer to reinvent Astragoth! I love it, it was the first entry to get my vote. :slight_smile:


How can you not love him! Great conversion and the lightning bolts are winderful.

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These look lovely. I have been scouring the net for colour schemes that suit the style depicted in Tamurkhan and I think what you have here fits the bill nicely!

I assume these are at 100% scale on 25mm bases?

Mind me asking what colour recipe you used?

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Thanks! Roughly my process for the metals here is:


  • Zenithal prime
  • basecoat vallejo Earth
  • thinned warcolours violet 5 (from front / below)


  • thinned tin bitz
  • drybrush vallejo brassy brass
  • wash with black mixed with some violet 5
  • drybrush brassy brass again
  • selectively highlight with bright bronze

There are some other colors for straps (browns), cloth (maroons), etc

Neither actually. Models scaled between 85-90% and they’re on 22.5mm bases… muahhhaha, chaos

Hope that helps!


Ooooo sneaky sneaky indeed!

It’s big, it’s hats.
It’s bighats bitches.

Presenting the James Fab Fuggit Zonk Workshop Blunderbusses coming straight to you from the why did I use so many dam colors workbench.

Between the community sourced models and community sourced schemes there’s almost nothing original in here! (Except the Mage Knight steam golem filler, except I copied the idea from @KhamdrimSkyMaster nevermind, loosely Mercurymon from Digimon inspired too)

Really love the Bluebeard Pirate… now what am I missing…
Admiralty Anvil hat banner? Oh right! Brawnderbusses!

Alas, I sits on my walletses and waits. Glad to have this unit done. I couldn’t escape that Astrazonk kitbash without needing to scratch the bighat sized itch a little (lot) more.


Oooof, these look just awesome, even among your usual high standard. Love them!


That’s a big, beautiful regiment. I can no longer look on blunders as quite so pants on the battlefield as I used to, because of how totally murderous they are in TWW


It’s stoopid large for having no repeat sculpts! But could in theory be run as two units still with full command if desired. Sneaky back rank musicians are a power move nobody is talking about.


Blunderbuss envy :heart: