So so so so good. Song many memes and Easter eggs. Expertly executed.
Well done
So so so so good. Song many memes and Easter eggs. Expertly executed.
Well done
I almost forgot. Love the Pain and Panic sculpts! Weirdly coincidental, my paint colors on the gargantuan bull centaur were inspired by Nessus from the same film.
Wow, what a cornucopia of easter eggs and weird and wonderful creations! Exquisitely sculpted, imaginatively thought-out, hilariously referential and sporting a great paintjob. What’s not to love about this wild bunch?
Pain and Panic and Hades are cherry on top of the cream!
Some of these little creatures/objects make me think of beauty and the beast cartoon. What about daemonic versions of those? A walking cauldron with a demon face on with an imp stirring the ichor inside. A few crazed imps after drinking it. Or your verson of the demon toilet.
a possessed carriage with a chaos dwarf driver? Or a daemonic death roller. you probably have far better ideas.
Your entry was really really good again as usual. Well done!
Dang, you’ve outed my cartoon inspiration!
Guess I’ll add another screenshot to my familiars ideas sub-folder titled “Grace of Zodd”
Well this is nothing short of incredible, don’t even know where to start with all this incredibleness.
The Ogre was a favourite of mine before I realised just how much of it was sculpted
The SpongeBob references and those legit dangerous looking hobgoblin stringed conversions would be a close second if not for the stone tortoise, wow.
Love the ideas you consistently come up with for these competitions and how well you execute them
Very funny! and a fitting idea for a bull centaur scheme.
Thanks all for the kind words! Doubtless there will be more familiars to come. I am inching toward a second unit of 50… lurking somewhere near 38-42 I think, depending on how many of these musicians get pulled into other units.
Mad, funny and brilliantly executed. What more can be said!
In the wake of '22, the year of the BATG and therefore infantry painting, many single model projects were spurned. Alas, I wish my stalling on this project was confined to only last year. The origin of this model (similar to my siege giant) goes back to my childhood days collecting Mage Knight Black Powder Rebels. I’ve looted the wheels off of the original model and replaced the carriage with a Bionicle-adjacent lego piece that looked vaguely nautical. The SIEGE HIPPO is largely unmodified except for a beard.
Added bits from the Chaos Warshrine and gorebeast chariot (I think)… trying to match my own trim to that style.
Mandatory squid figurehead, a killa kan saw to make the demon mouth (“rudder”), two spellcrow dwarfs for crew, and a lot of pain in the arse heat gun work to make the hitch and rigging line up.
Overall, it’s about how I pictured it. This has been in the pile of ideas since nearly day 1 of my Chaos Dwarf army, and the model more than 15 years old. Although I’m kind of glad I waited as I really like the crew models that ended up falling in my lap very recently. Hopefully it gets painted soon…
Really nice conversion. I like the fish helm dude too. Ive never seen him before. Alot of painting required in this project
Utterly fantastic. I love the fact you had a siege hippo. His beard is a great touch too
On a whim I decided to resurrect some old LotR models from my childhood. None had ever been based so I decided to square base them with magnets and make them serviceable as Chaos Dwarf servants.
As a kid I had converted some Harad to corsairs before the official corsair release which I then purchased. I’ve retained (or upgraded) some of my old conversions for nostalgia.
Scale differences and whatnot aside, I like how they turned out as a unit of mercs. Might this spiral into an “allied” Dogs of War faction? I used way too many colors to polish up a unit of chaff… So much for speed painting. The command was an excuse to paint up some Black Numenoreans as three pirate princes.
Wow, fantastic. Also nice freehand work there. I don’t know how you did that but that must be the first time I see LotR miniatures that do not immediately scream Middle Earth™ at you.
They look beautiful.
Nice arabyan mercenaries if you so wished.
Lovely kitbash on the chariot, and a nice raid on the Bionicle bin! The end result elevates the bits used. The beard on the hippo is wonderfully ridiculous!
No chaos dwarf general could wish for better servants - to the front lines with them go! Go!
Is that a Bionicle mask used as a chariot piece! GENIUS!
Also, love to see some human mercs joining the fray. The ‘multicultural’ aspect of the Chaos Dwarf roster is so full of awesome building and painting opportunities, even if ‘multicultural’ in this case only means ‘equal opportunity servitude’…
…actually, kinda the same as in western capitalist societies…
Anyway, great minis!
Multicultural ‘prisoners with jobs’?
I’m not sure if it’s the mix of 3-5 different kits, the somewhat generic plastic corsairs, the distracto random color scheme, or… the square bases glued to their feet (as Hashut intended)… I can’t put a finger on it either, but I’m glad something helped.
I certainly didn’t put much converting effort into them.
Thanks for the comments all! Chaos has hit my Chaos Dwarf projects in recent days and I am embracing the hobby ADHD. Not much will make it immediately to fully painted but a lot of progress on random things will keep me busy. Charadros Overlords, turnip clothgobs, ogre mercs, plural bumbards, and a tender tractor (name pending)…
Minor progress but enough green to give it a share. Here’s the second entrant into my arsenal, the irresistable OSM asscannon.
The main addition is some of my own daemonic ammunition inspired by the canon asscannon demon ball in hand that came with the kit. Naturally I had to add a barrow-full. Definitely a walrus, a cyclop squidward, and some first generation Digimon in the mix.
Rectal-inspector gob crucified on toilet scrub brush was probably some idea from a clearly very serious discord chat.
Come to think of it I have no idea why there’s a sarlacc tentacle barrel. Perhaps some of the stored munitions started to mutate before they could be fired. The real reason is I ran out of barrel lids and needed a way to cover up the part of the barrel that’s molded to be carried as a backpack.
For those of you enthusiastically keeping count, this is the third wheelbarrow in my Chaos Dwarf collection. Many more to come, never enough.
Keeping the dust on the base in the picture to remind me of my shame.