The kitbash concept started with the wonderful snails from OSM’s Wastelands line. Spare fishy bits from @LaketideMiniatures went along for the ride figuring I’d want a unit of six… uhh… something… These models languished a while as piles of bits. Something loosely turnip, not fitting on cav bases, not hobgobliny, awkward in concept…
Eventually… I latched onto the gnoblars as base models for riders due to posing but wanted something more reminiscent of vulgar militia from Elden Ring. Strutting around Elden Ring with two big ol bloody Vulgar Militia Saws is my favorite build. Weapon bits and easy conversion ideas of ragged cloth allowed me to fill the gaps my bits box was stalling me on. Salvation was also found for this unit… amongst dark eldar bits? There’s some tomb king arms, and a Tyranid mace tail… real shells… kinda a whole mess… I just kinda glued stuff together and wished all the problems away with strips of cloth green stuffing.
Painting was good fun, falling into place with a similar palette as my turnippy clothgoblins. Hopefully some dwarfs of this style are in my near future.
Vallejo dead flesh puts in most of the heavy lifting here… Then it was just wayyyy too many different brown paints… touches of my favorite warcolours violet and pink.
Evil dwarf brethren, I return to you from the realm of helm. A long journey it was but I dare say I will return.
Some credit here to the Golden Hat to spur my boars into action. Once I painted one, I definitely enjoyed charging through the rest.
As usual a unit is nothing without some filler. The cart is from Red Bard while the mini pigs were farm toys dressed up with Tjublings (only minor re-sculpting involved). Skullmask Tubatjub haemonculus on pig is my favorite as well as the happy boar rider out for a joy ride in the back right.
An emissary from the great Zanko-Zhanta has arrived and assisted the ironclad fleet with a daemonic summoning of unprecedented scale. A construct towering over armies and ironclads alike.
I think @Zanko ’s paint scheme fits nicely with my pyromancer Izkesh and his Fireborn summons. His grand search for a Destroyer has come to a conclusion thanks to Zanko’s tactical kindness bomb.
One does not simply out-do Zanko. It is known. Such a cool sculpt from Ultraforge Miniatures. And while a metal Chaos Dwarf sorcerer fell off the base on the journey across the sea, I have a special use for it in mind.
Minis are sourced from quite a few places. Red Bard, Mom, Westfalia, Tjub, Grenadier, and a host of old models I had kicking around from my friend’s Dad’s Bakshi era LotR collection. I’d be curious to hear if any of you folks have seen some of these old relics before.
The Lesser Orcs were so mangled due to the soft metal blunting over time that I ended up throwing some texture paint on them and treating them as terracotta constructs just to give them some paint. I quite like the drunken orcs with the Red Bard singing crow filling out the base.
Thanks to all those that participated and voted in Artisan’s XXXIX.