Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Feb 7 2025 - That 70's Crow]


Wow. Just Wow.


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Cross dr octopuss with a submergible vehicle/tank and thats what you’ve built. Very nice. You bits box must be huge. I rarely recognise the bits you use to create your army

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Thanks a bunch, my bits collection has certainly amassed over the years. Had the good fortune to act as an ebay seller for several friends looking to pawn off their leftover bits including Skaven, 40k orks, dark eldar, imperial guard tanks, etc. My commission was mostly just keeping the pieces I wanted. During that time did a fair amount of buying and reselling to get my money back but pocket the cool parts.

I end up at some amalgamation of admech tubes, dark eldar spikeys, 40k ork blades/claws, chaos space marines, fantasy chaos, and chaos dwarfs. Spattered with Kharadron and a host of Mage Knight Black Powder Rebels I’m still patting 4th grade me on the back for having the foresight to collect ad nauseam.

That and collecting parts and hardware from smashed up household items doesn’t hurt…


Love the Kraken insignia, really finishes off the piece nicely. Really looking forward to seeing it painted. Well done. Over the years, my bits box has become a large bit’s bin. Sadly I have slowly depleted my GW bits as myself and my dwindling gaming group have moved away from GW games. I find myself using more random household stuff, chopped up zoid pieces, legos, random action figure parts, etc. Still pick up the occasional genuine GW bit when the conversion calls for it. Need to do some organizing… always.


A welcome distraction arrived in the mail after 90ish days! These models are fantastic (especially the remastered “harquebuses” kit), been getting them cleaned up and ready for assembly and converting. I think I’ll go for units of blunderbuss warriors, infernal guard with fireglaives, and immortals.


Ouch, they took some time…
How do you fint the digital sculpts vs the hand sculpted models? And how would you rate the resin? :slight_smile:

Nice one , so a bunch of masterfully painted units ( probably converted with additional clockwork stuff added) incoming shortly then.

I must admit i try to avoid resin as much as i can. Metal seems forever ( could be endlessly painted and stripped) resin is a one attempt at painting and then careful handling ever after as a knocks seem to shatter stuff. The models fo look cool though…

I look forward to seeing it all painted : )

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TLDR: I’d certainly recommend any of these kits

The resin seems to be of better quality than I’m used to, or maybe it’s just better quality control compared to Forgeworld. Very little processing required and none of the ugly bubbles, mold mismatch, & flashing I’ve grown to “cherish” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: from the paragon of wargaming miniatures… Only one or two of the 60 minis (ordered some for a friend as well) had anything noteworthy to clean up, other than that just a quick clip & scrape. Although I do agree and find there’s something unparalleled about having nice metal models on the table.

As far as digital vs hand sculpt… that’s tough to answer. There’s some noticeable added uniformity between the digital models (armor patterns, beards, etc). Detail on the digital sculpts is a bit shallower but crisp and clean while the hand sculpts have deeper details but grittier. Not entirely sure I’m finding useful words but those are some of my passing thoughts. The slight uniformity is one of the reasons I plan to use the digital ones as basic chaos dwarf warriors.

The remastered harquebuses is my favorite kit for the variety of bits including blunderbuss options, but individually speaking the older harquebuses kit has some of the most characterful helmeted/masked head options I’ve seen and awesome variety in the weapons themselves. Very piratey and exactly what I want in an infernal guard unit. The great weapon unit will hopefully make some big hatted imposing immortals, although will require the most converting since I think I’d prefer them with shield & hand weapon. (I thought these were a better starting model for immortals than the Russian Alt’s basic warriors kit)

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I dunno about “shortly” haha, but I’ll try to live up to everything else. I’m in the process of trying to figure out 3D printing some magnetized movement trays and bases to rank these up nicely.

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Had to get this guy off my desk before mass infantry assembly begins. Overall happy with how the kitbash came together with some paint on it. I definitely spent wayyyy more time building this guy than painting.


This turned out too good! Superb conversion and painting, fit well within your army! :smiley:

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Utterly gorgeous. He is fantastic


He looks brilliant. Ingenious construction and harmonious painting. Simply terrific!


Passage from a Scribe’s contest entry that was inspired by this submersible sketch. Finally migrated the text to the pages of my lore book as an accompaniment. Some day I will definitely have to bring one of my concepts to tabletop scale.


Sometimes my stream of consciousness is quite self-referential…
Anyway here are my musings and sketches of nautical familiars and bound daemons that have helped motivate some of my recent builds.

This fantastic crab from the Steampunk Museum in NZ was a very early source of inspiration for my theme. I’ve been holding onto this picture and others from the museum for quite some time.


Excited to see the hammerhead conversion!


Looking at ur machines makes me think of dr robotnick from sonic. Maybe you need to make him :grinning:


He certainly has Zharr appropriate paunch and a mustache to boot!


Damn it! Now I can’t stop picturing him as a rogue deamonsmith!


Sketched up another character page for my lore book. Maybe this guy will make an appearance in a short story when inspiration strikes.