Reaver's Battle Against the Grey [BATG 2022]

Byrgenwerth… Byrgenwerth… Blasphemous murderers… Blood-crazed fiends… Atonement for the wretches.

Rom the Vacuous Spider hides all manners of secrets. Take the plunge to the moonside lake to confront Rom and her children.

For a while I had a productivity block on lake ripples to match Rom’s boss arena, on the surface of an illusory lake. I’ll probably visit some gloss coats on the water’s surface after varnish. These models are keyed to the bases so I elected to try to accomplish the look without having to hack the model off the base.

Here is the whole Byrgenwerth expansion painted up! I am very pleased with this box and glad I saved these models for the end.

For those of you utterly tired of Bloodborne and these ceaseless ramblings of a blood crazed fiend…

I have…


Bloodborne model remaining. And it’s the best for last…