Satanic hobbos and hobhounds

Archers in there too and some cool giants, boar riders etc


What’s the deal with the rocket team? I see two guys with a rocket on their back but are there meant to be more rockets? What is the guy with the flame supposed to be lighting? Why is one guy kneeling? Is there a rocket launcher sold separately that I can’t find on the site?

I don’t need fully painted pictures, but it would nice to see the set glued up and posed so I can tell what is going on. Same with the other HG models, it’s a little confusing.


I thought this very same thing! Ill ask chris

Hope this helps @cornixt

I like it


For anyone confused about where the idea came from, it’s a take on the smaller hobgoblin rockets of the past. It’s a great sculpt for sure

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I feel like i could make that weapon out of sprues. Im getting tempted by that team and the hounds for sure

That makes more sense, thanks.

They are great sculpts, really fit the oldhammer style very well. Same for a lot of their other models too.

The prices for getting a custom mould made by that company is low enough that it starts to become tempting for doing a whole army of custom metal models. I wonder how easy it would be to get my 3d models done that way. Nah, I find it very hard to buy new models these days, justifying more stuff when I can barely deal with what I already have is not going to happen.

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