Secret Santa 2024

Even if it’s a little late, what about a Secret Santa 2024?

Is anyone else, apart from me, interested? :hatoff:

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Always interested, but I doubt I’ll find the time this year. :disappointed_relieved:

Well, it’s a pity that there doesn’t seem to be any interest this year. :sad:

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I’d be in for an exchange. I’m not confident I’ll be able to get it done in time for Zhanta-ween this month. But it would be fun to work on something to send out in January regardless.

I don’t necessarily have the time to organize a bigger event but maybe some more folk would be happy to pair off for exchanges.


Canada Post is on strike so affordable mail delivery is totally shutdown here… Cost over $160 to send two small boxes of Xmas presents this year when normally it’d be under $65 total… I haven’t been very productive either the last 6 months or so either.

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I was thinking exactly about this few days ago. I was looking at my display of CDO models, wondering why noone of us said anything about this xD
I’m down for it as usual!


If you are interested, we can swap a spring figure. Or do you have another idea or a special theme?

We had toyed around with the idea of another Great Emissary Exchange themed around the gathering the Lost Tribes of Zharr (Hashoot, Walhut, and any other odd idea plucked from Uther’s infinite multiverse of Bastard Lore opportunity).

It’s something I think we should do eventually. I would be fine to keep a spring Zhanta simple or aim for something more ambitious if a couple people have time to help with logistics and maybe some fluff writing.

The only major thing I would change from our last emissary would be to have everyone complete their models and post about them on the forum before we start mailing things around. Creates spoilers but it would help avoid the months of package delay and eventual run-ending dead end we encountered last time.


So … I would be there!

If I understand you correctly, each participant should build a model, paint it and write some fluff. In your opinion, should the fluff only contain “unknown” CD strains or would a special character also be possible?

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I’m starting to think we let this year fizzle and die quietly. Maybe we can catch the new year’s hobby resolutionaries flocking to repent their BATG sins at the gates of Zharr come 2025. (cough Jasko cough … not tagging him since he’s probably sick of my memes at this point)

(certainly if anyone wants to sneak in a Zhanta exchange with someone geographically near (or far) be my guest).

Let’s continue to let this thread drum up intrest in an emissary exchange.

Good question, I don’t want the prompt overly restrictive. The multiverse is infinite after all. I wouldn’t want to rule out the classics. Who knows, what happens when Hashut and Walhut collide could be a fun bit of fluff.


Far from it, actually. I enjoyed every one of them.



I would be interested in joining an emissary exchange! I wasn’t able to join the last but it seems like such a fun way to build community.


Thanks @Zanko for the massive gift. I’ll aim to return the favor soon!

For those looking forward to a formal exchange, there will be an announcement as soon as the New Year arrives!