Shar’tor & Taur’ruk - bull centaurs finished

Finished both Shar’tor & Taur’ruk. Regrettably I won’t be using shar’tor’s base. At least not right away. I wanna see if anything like him comes about in the new addition when they bring the chorfs back. But for now I’ll pin him to a base the same size as Taur’ruk’s since he fits rather nicely on one! Next up is gonna be a whole unit of centaurs!


Omg that name is just so incredibly silly, I can’t even :see_no_evil:

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I would argue that gw has always been terrible with names. They’re either immature puns or in-jokes and references.

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You’re not wrong, though I think it’s largely endearing that they don’t (didn’t?) take themselves too seriously. I’d rather have a Sharter or a Zhatan over anything sort of ultra edgy or humorless.