Size of the Dreadfleet Black Kraken model?

Does anyone know the length/dimensions of the Dreadfleet Black Kraken model? I can’t find it online anywhere, not even in comparison pictures. I know Dreadfleet stuff is small, but seems like it could fill out the appropriate rectangular base maybe?

Wondering if that might be a way to make a Skullcracker by combining 2 of those and slapping some wheels on the side or something like that.

I believe @Reaver made a conversion using it?

Close! I used the maulerfiend tentacles which are very similar

Link Here

I think scooping these tentacles or the whole kit would be a quicker solution than sourcing OOP Dreadfleet.


I was actually thinking of this post you made:

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I can get some sizes on the model for sure. No conversions though, that’s straight out the box

Here it is next to an Azgorh daemonsmith on 25mm base. Gridlines are annoyingly 1/2”


Oh wow, that’s way smaller than I thought! Thank you for the pictures. Maybe some interesting cavalry usage for them perhaps though…


Wow that’s an awesome conversion! Excellent use of spare Maulerfiend bits…which if I do a daemon-engine 40k army this year, I will have :smiley: