OK, As previous question has stated. Best color for Hobo’s?
BUT would you take these , over a unit of kick ass Black orcs in Heavy Amour?
I have 3 weeks left until my champaign starts.
I have not read a bad review this sight of BO anything.
I’m really going to try to get both done, but what would YOU do?
To note, have not yet procured the Wyvern for said BOSS.
Long live HASHUT
Black Orcs are great. Take them if you can afford them.
We have a real challenge in making our army look unified with the greenskins in there. I made sure to have some of the colors match my dwarfs, to get a sense of cohesion - my hobos have orange hats and red shirts, my blorcs have the same gold and metal as the dwarfs. It kinda works. The orcs stand out now cause they aren’t based yet - basing helps to unify as well.
As for army picks, I’ve come to the realization that blorcs are simply the best choice for core: have the utility units of 2*10 hobo archers. The mandatory IG unit - have it be a small detachment of maybe blunderers to go with an ironsworn unit. And then just fill the rest of the core tax with dirty efficient black orcs
They all really do look great like a cohesive force. They all look like they have slogged together thru a long campaign.
That has been one of my problems, making them look like they belong together.
The orange hats and red shirt gang even fits in.
Thanks again for all the perspective.
As you and Drexxl have pointed out. I think I HAVE to take a unit of BO.
AS a side note. Last night had to repaint 51 black beards.
I had done them all with a grey highlight, and it just bugged me.
NOW I think they all look they work and fight together.
ARMY to date:
51 foot troops painted, 20 with 2 hand AX and 20 with Blunders.
10 command, standard, musc. and hero’s.
AND 6 bull centaurs.
Not bad, I think for 3 weeks work.
Waiting with baited breath for pictures of this swiftly amassing force All in due time.
Upon all the suggestions of the group.
The black Orc crew of 16 has been added to the army, thru certain spells and long arranged packs.
The Hobo wolf riders of 7 have happened as well. 6 more in contract.
Has anyone pressed into service more than 20 sneaky gits?
I have 23 that want a try at rear entry service???
Worth setting up?