Solo's 3ed. themed Chaos Dwarfs army

I finally made it here to start the topic for my slowly growing Chaos Dwarfs army. Really happy to be here!

The army is for playing the game of The Ninth Age (which is an absolutely fantastic project).

The concept for the army is 3ed. themed Chaos Dwarfs (Renegades). So all the dwarves wear chaos armor and have helmets and are basically mini chaos warriors. I’d like to give the army the feeling of dark / goofy (funny mixture).
The best pick was to mix the Warp Miniatures Dark Dwarves with the original CD Renegades from GW + some various models from different ranges/companies as seem fit.

I was long thinking about the paint scheme, and finally decided to make an atypical green armor for the dwarves and add oldhammer vibes by adding bright colors (like the orange gloves and shoes) and the iconic oldhammer red wood.

The armor was originally supposed to be like in this video of painting Sons of Horus marines:

Mine finally ended a different color (I guess the paint colors changed a bit after an update), but I guess it ended even moe interesting than in the video (more alive).

For the bases I decided to go a Darklands theme (dry, rusty earth, Mars-like). I bought AK Interactive Fire Land and pigments and decided to go for something like in this video:

I’m still thinking about the finishing and details of the bases - maybe add a mix of red and black tufts.

Finally, some photos of models (more to come!):

I’d be very grateful if you leave a trace in the topic. Tell me what you think!


These look great and very distinctive. I want to buy that green now!
Great start to your blog

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Really cool colour scheme, keep updating please :slight_smile:


Close up of my Sorcerer.


Posted these warmachines couple of days ago on CDO discord, but forgot to create a post here. :sweat_smile:

(I’ts sooo hard to make good quality photos during winter time in Europe without any sunlight…)


Oh, and since it’s deadline for Hammer & Sorcery contest, I’ll also post my entry - chaos dwarf sorcerer with summoned demon and a book familiar:

(“you lookin’ at my gut?!”)

They are counting as a Lamassu Scholar for The Ninth Age. I wanted something very oldschool instead of a classic lamassu.