Hello would like to sell some chaos dwarf things
- shartor the executioner (fw, got from ebay without scenic base) 40 EUR
- 6 bull centaur renders (Fw, ebay) 80 EUR
- maghmorim ballista (lost kingdom miniatures) 30 EUR
- scibor war bull withouth character and scenic base 30 EUR.
Located in Hungary could do shipping to EU if you are interested in multiple things we can work it out.
Please can you post pictures of the mini components so we can see the cast quality?
Shartor and Renders sold.
Everything else dropping price and some new things coming. Also it was not clear from previous post but buyer needs to pay for posting.
Maghmorim ballista (printed in high quality resin) needs assembling - 20 EUR
Scibor war bull - 20 EUR
Chaos chariot x 2 - one partially assembled with gorebeast variant every bitz on sprue 20 Eur. One in box 27 EUR
Bones fire giant king and queen - 5 Eur/piece (if you buy more items i can give as a gift)
Self made weapon teams (kharadron overlord grundstok thunderers bodies + titan forge war machine crew heads) x3 (assembled various weapons, primed) - 6 EUR/piece
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Post some images, would love to see them!